2 - Preparations

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I knew what the world outside looked like. There was rarely any edible vegetation available out on those rocky plains. I hoped with all my heart that Rat was still a the home we had lived in together, for that would make my travels much shorter and easier on my weakened body.

I knew that preparing for the worst would be needed. If Rat wasn't there, I'd go searching out into the barren wilderness. To survive out there I'd need sufficient food supplies, to go at least 3 weeks. I walked back to my house, looking around the town that I would most likely never see again.

I had to use the railing on the stairs to help me get up them. A pain went up through my heel and to my leg, sending a shiver through my body. I had to get a move on before it was to late.

I open the door to my room, and sling the largest bag I could find onto my back. I take one last look at my room, and then the sliding window door where I first met Rat. I smile, the memories all flashing back.

I squeeze my eyes shut and open the door, stepping out of my room, never to return again. Down the stairs I went, another shooting pain going through my foot. I packed the back full of cans and water bottles, along with a blanket and first aid kit.

With the heavy bag on my shoulders, I walk out of the house and onto the sidewalk outside. Without  glancing back, I head out to the West Block.

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