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I tap my pencil against my desk as the teacher is talking about....

I don't even know.

My glasses fall down my nose and I push them up again. I hear Peter snicker at me.

Me, as usual. I look down at my pencil I'm tapping and just stare at it as I tap it.

I start to think. What better things to I have to do.

Watch Peter is going to make fun of you later, but he should. You are so easy to get too and such a weak little girl.

Not you.

Yeah, I had to go on a family vacation, that's why I wasn't here, but guess what... I'm back and ready to ruin your life.

I wish you would had stayed at the family vacation.

"Beatrice!" I snap out of my gaze and see the teacher looking at me, annoyed.

"Yes?" My voice is small and The whole class except the gang snickers.

"What is the answer to the problem?" She asks and I look at the board.

2+e.hx:12X7-28X2. (I don't even know what I typed...can u even solve that??)

Uh oh. I'm not good at science, or math, or anything.

"Umm..." I drag on. Mrs. Matthews sighs. "Please listen next time." She says and I nod shrinking in my seat.

"Alright, I'm going to have you pair up with someone, by me." Everyone groans.

"Alright let me pair you then I'll let you know what we are doing."

I block out what she says till she says, "Tris and Peter." My heart stops. This can't be happening. I'm wearing my glasses, which means one more thing for him to make fun of me about.

Tobias resets his hand on my shoulder and gives me a reassuring squeeze. ''Alright everyone get with your partner.'' Mrs. Matthews says and I stiffen. ''Tris, you'll be find. I promise.'' Tobias tries to reassure me but it doesn't work.

''Beatrice, Four! Get with your partner!'' Mrs. Matthews yell at us and I get up, shaking, and walk over to Peter. ''Hey, there fat cow.'' He smirks and I sigh. This going to be fun. ''Nice glasses, Nerd.'' He remarks and I'm so close to slapping him, but I know that won't help. ''Lets just get this over with.'' I mumble and start working.


''Okay so put 1 piece of dry ice in.'' I tell Peter. ''Who cares, Let make a explosion!'' He exclaims and I shake my head. ''Peter no follow-'' But it's too late, he already put 5 in and it starts to bubble and fizzes. Everyone looks at us and the chemicals make a pop noise and I flinch.

Next thing I know, there is blue foam all over Peter and I. ''Beatrice, Peter!'' Mrs. Matthews yells at us and I slowly turn around. ''That was awesome!'' Peter yells and I glare at him. My once blonde hair is now blue and I look like a smurf.

"Tris go get cleaned up, Peter office now." Mrs Matthews exclaims and I'm kind of frozen to move. Everyone is staring at me. Making me the center of attention. One of the things I hate most.

I'm to frozen to move. My hair has dried and it's stringy.

Just another day in paradise .


Tris hasn't been feeling well since yesterday. Her skin has been breaking out into hives and been really itchy, she throws up a lot, and is very clammy, one second she's hot next she's cold. I think it was something in the chemical reaction that Peter, that idiot, decide to screw up.

"Hey Tris." I smile at her as I walk into the living room and I see her wrapped up in a ball with a blanket on top of her and her blue-ish hair. Did I mention her hair is blue-ish. She's itches her arm really hard which means she has more hives.

"Let me see." I say walking up to her lightly grabbing her arm. She coughs. "I feel like shiz." She coughs shifting uncomfortable. "I know baby girl, it will go away." I sit next to her and let her lean into my chest.

She goes to itchy her arm but I take her hand and intertwined our hands together.

"It's itchy, Tobias." She whispers and I rock us back and forth, hoping she'll fall asleep.

"Stop." She mumbles trying to get me to stop rocking. "Tris, you need to sleep, it will help." I tell her but she shakes her head.

"I'm tried of sleeping. It's all I do." She complains. Tori let me stay home with Tris today but not tomorrow. Tori is working from home tomorrow.

"Tris-" I start but she cuts me off. "I want to sleep all day tomorrow when your not here." She whimpers. I sigh knowing she won. "Okay." I huff.

"Thank you."

"I love you." I tell her. "I love you too." She says and yawns, I chuckle. I can tell she trying to stay awake. "Go to sleep, I'm not going anywhere." I kiss her head and the next thing I know, we are both sleeping.


"Four." Someone pokes me. "Four!" They yell this time in my ear and I groan. I feel warmth next to me and open my eyes to see Tris there, basically in a coma. Her lips are slightly separated and she's curled into a tiny ball next to me.

"You have to go to school today." Tori voice whispers and I look up and pout at her.

"But whyyyyy? Look at her! How could I leave her!" I exclaim. "She will be fine, now you are going to school because if you don't it will be a waste of me working from home and I nearly got fired for begging.

"Fine." I say and slowly get up, carful not to wake Tris.

When I'm done getting ready I head downstairs again and kiss Tris forehead and whisper to her,

"I love you."

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