Murphy MacManus for DaniDeviant

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Danielle had just walked into McGinty's Irish pub. "Hey Doc. How is my favorite uncle doing?" She said while rounding the corner of the bar and kissing his cheek. "Just f-f-f-fine a-a-and you? FUCK! ASS!" She just giggled while serving another customer. Danielle's head snaps up at the sound of a familiar Irish voice. "Ay lass how 'bout a shot of Whiskey?" It was Murphy and Conner. She hadn't seen them in almost 2 months. "Where have you all been?" She nearly yelled as she hoped over the bar to hug them quicker.

          "Been busy wit' work." Conner replied while laughing. Murphy glanced over at Conner narrowing his a little before softening them as his gaze returned to Dani. "We missed ya' lass." Conner admits paying no attention to Murphy's steel gaze or when he pulls Danielle closer. "B-b-boys. I-i-I need to talk t-t-ta' ya. FUCK! ASS!" Doc spoke up behind the bar catching their attention.

          "Alrighty' den. We'll find ye' after closing hours." Conner Says nodding his head in Murphs direction. They all move closer the the bar trying to find a good seat in the rush hour. Rocco had just left before they got there. He said he needed to handle some business. The locals making small (rather loud) talk with the boys. Danielle had help serve while Doc made the drinks. 45 minutes later some bar stools opened up. They boys jumped to the occasion.

"Now lass what would ye' say ta' a drink with the MacManus brothers?" he spoke. Danielle looks over at Doc who merely nods his head knowing how much they mean to her. "Alright boys. We doing Shot for Shot or just drinking?" She questions leaning over the bar to grab shot glasses and an unopened bottle of their favorite Whiskey. "Jut' drinkin'" Murphy answers while plopping down into the barstool next to her. Danielle sets the glasses in front of each of them and fills them up with the dark amber liquid.

          Nodding their heads at each other they throw the drinks back and slam the shot glasses top down on the bar. Several shots later they are yelling, singing along to different songs slurring their words quite a bit and dancing incredibly uncoordinated. "I'm gonna step out for some fresh air." Danielle says over her should heading towards the door. Before she can grab the door-knob, a tattooed hand with the word AEQUITAS across it grabs the handle.     

          Smiling shyly at Murphy she thanks him for holding the door open for her. "Tis' nice night ay?" He mumbles around the cigarette between his lips. "Yeah Murph. It is." As Danielle is starring at what she can see of the sky she doesn't notice that Murphy can't take his eyes of her. "Ye' look beautiful lass'." He moves some hair behind her ears that fell in front of her gorgeous brown eyes that he fell in love with the same ones that melt when she looks at the sun or sparkle when she's excited about something.

          The same ones that are now starring at him. "Ye always look beautiful. Before ye' say anything, I think everything 'bout ye' is beautiful. Ye eyes, hair, I love how ye' shorter than me. Don't get me started on ye' body." With that Murphy grabs her hand. "I love you Murphy. I always have." Danielle looks down at her feet the silence becoming unbearable. "Is breá liom tú níos mó ná na réaltaí sa spéir." Lifting up her chin he places passionate hurried kiss to her lips.

          He was kissing her like this was the last time he'd ever see her. "Never leave me." She whispers against his lips. He leans his forehead against hers and closes his eyes. "Ten' come wit' me."

          Is breá liom tú níos mó ná na réaltaí sa spéir - I love you more than the stars in the sky.

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