Diego for FlandusLover

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"Diego! Hey you're back!" Lexi said as she walked into the bar. Today was the day she was going to tell him how she felt. They've known each other the past few years and shes had a crush on him from the start. Diego turns his head back looking over his shoulder; the cowboy hat hiding his eyes. "Yeah, Don't know how long though." He faces the front and starts coughing into his hand. Lexi pulls a bar stool up next to him. Her golden brown eyes watching his every move. She knows hes sick but doesn't know how bad.

          "Wanna beer?" He asks motioning to the bartender. "Yeah, thanks. I need to tell you something." That gets his attention. She thanks the bartender; grabbing her drink she pulls Diego to the side. His beautiful blue eyes watching her hips sway when she walked. "I need you to know that I like you." She spoke softly almost inaudible over the loud bar. Furrowing his brows, he coughs a couple times. "Okay, I know that. I like you too or we wouldn't be friends."

          "No Diego, I mean I really like you as in I wanna be with you." She said getting frustrated with him. He stares at her for a while. Looking at the ground he licks his lips and heads towards the door. She calls after him trying to keep up with his pace. She grabs his arm turning him around a little. "Let me go Lexi!" Diego snaps while pulling the door open almost tearing it off the hinges.

          Lexi races out towards Diegos truck. She slams the door shut before he can get it. "What the hell is your problem you could've just said ya wanted to be friends!" She yelled with tears pricking her eyes. Again she was met with silence. "Diego please talk to me." She said stepping forward. Diego didn't hear any of what she was saying. He'd liked her for a long time but he knew his time was coming soon. He didn't want to leave her with heartache. Never let anyone get too attached. It was just easier that way.

          He studied her face; He's always loved her eyes even her glasses. He liked her hair both natural brown and the red she so much loves. He loved hoe short she was compared to him. Even loved when she'd dance and sing-a-long to all those 80's song she so desperately loved. He always thought being friends would be okay, she would be sad but not heartbroken.

          "I can't be with you because I don't wanna hurt you Lexi." He yelled. She looked at him baffled. "You could never hurt me! Why would you say that?" "I JUST CANT LEXI!" The yelling match went back and forth for several minutes.

          "I cant be with you because I love you, okay? I don't have much longer left, im getting worse and I don't want you being heartbroken over me! It would kill me knowing I caused you that!" He yelled as he got in her face. "Y-You love me?" Lexi asked searching his eyes for confirmation. "Yeah. I do." With that she locked her lips onto his. His rough chapped lips against her soft ones.

          Diego pulled her close, breaking the kiss. Gazing into her eyes she cupped his cheek. "I'm gonna be with you until the very end." She whispered against his lips. Burying his face into her hair breathing her in. "I love you so much Lexi."

          "Ilove you too Diego."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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