Chapter 19

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<Abby's POV>

"Mom!" I said as walked out of the airport.

She came up and gave me a hug. "It's so good to see you again! It's been too long."

"I know. Lets go home now." I said.

~at home~

"SURPRISE!" I ton of people yelled, jumping out from different places of the room as I walked in. I looked around the room and saw all my old friends and lots of family. There was a big banner hanging in the Living room that said 'Welcome Home Abby!' This was so sweet.

~after the party~

"Bye!" I gave the last person a hug as they left my house.

"Hey Abby?" I turned around and saw my friend Ruben standing there.

"Ruben! You scared me. I thought everyone had left."

"Oh sorry." He said sounding kind of nervous.

"It's fine!" I laughed. "So, what's up?"

"Wanna go to the park?" He asked.

"The one we used to go to when we were kids?"

"Yeah! It will be fun to have a throw back right?"

"Yeah it sounds fun! Lets go." I said grabbing my purse, walking out of the house to his car.

I Got in the passages seat and he got in the drivers seat. It was so good to see him again. We had been friends since 5th grade and I haven't seen him in forever. I remember when I was younger I had a huge crush on him.

The drive to the park wasn't far. It look about 5 minutes. The whole time we just really talked about old times we had.

"Remember that one house that you lived in and in the backyard there was that rope with a stick tied to it hanging from a tree?" He asked.

"Yes! That thing was so much fun."

"It as so basic though." He laughed. "We're here!" He said pulling up into the parking lot of the school by the playground we used to go to all the time.

We both jumped out of the car and ran to the playground. We played on all the playground stuff. The money bars, slides, swings. I remembered how much fun we used to have.

After a while we got tiered and sat down on a bench.

"I really missed you, Abby." He said putting his hand on my leg.

"I missed you too." I said then he started to lean in. Then our lips connected. Moving in sync with one another.

He pulled away and said "I've wanted to do that for a while."

*buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz*

I looked down at my phone and saw Dan was calling.

I laughed. "Sorry I have to take this." I said to him then answered the phone. "Dan?"

"Abby?" He said crying.

"Oh my god Dan. Are you okay?"

"No. MiAsia is in the hospital. It's bad. You need to get down here soon."

"Oh my gosh. Okay, I'm going to the airport right now." I said hanging up the phone. "Ruben, I need you to take me to the airport right now. I will explain on the way." I said getting up running to the car.

"What happened?" He asked starting the car.

"That was my best friend, MiAsia, boyfriend, Dan, and he said that MiAsia is in the hospital. I need to get to Florida."

"Okay, I'll take you to the airport right now."

~at the airport~

"What do you mean it's gonna be two hours before the next plane to Florida?" I yelled at the lady.

"Ma'am please don't raise your voice at me."

"Don't tell me not to raise my voice at you. My best friend is in the hospital dying. I need to get to Florida right now." I yelled again.

"I'm sorry bug there's nothing I can do."

"Whatever. Just give me the ticket." I said. I handed her the money as she gave me the plane ticket. I went and found my gate and sat down. I decided to text Dan and tell him what was going on.

Text to: Danny

Hey Dan. So, the plane doesn't leave for 2 hours -.-

Text from: Danny

Is that the soonest flight there was?!

Text to: Danny

Yes. Trust me. I argued with the bitch that was at the desk.
Any news about her?

Text from: Danny

Yeah, they said that she should wake up soon.

Text to: Danny

Good. I'll see you in like 5 hours :/

"Hey, your Abby Rowe right?" Some girl asked me causing me to look up from my phone.

I smiled, trying not to look sad. "Yeah that's me."

"Your Cameron Bryd's girlfriend?!" She yelled. Great. She's being that up.

" Not anymore. I'm sorry but I don't really want to talk about it."

"So Cameron's single?" She asked.

"I guess." I said.

"Great!" She's yelled and walked away.

~at the hospital~

"Sorry I'm late." I said walking into the hospital room. I looked around the room and saw everyone standing around MiAsia's bed. And I mean everyone. Cameron included. "Is she okay?" Then Dan explained to me what happened. "Dan, you can't beat yourself up for this. It's not your fault and she's going to be okay."

"Abby, come get something to drink with me?" Cameron asked.

"Sure.." I said Hesitantly.

Then we walked to the vending Machine.

"So, who's that guys you were kissing?" Cameron asked. How did he know about that?

"How do you know about that?" I asked.

"There's a picture of t all over twitter."

"Oh, well that was Ruben. You met him when you went to Oklahoma with me about a year ago. He was the really tall brunette." I told him.

"Oh, yeah he seemed like a Douche bag." Cameron said coldly.

"Whatever. You liked him when you met him. You guys went to a football game or whatever."

"Just because I went with him doesn't mean I like him. I don't think it's a good idea if you date him."

"Well Cameron, we are broken up so I can do whatever I want." I said to him them walked back into MiAsia room with my power aid.

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