Chapter 27!

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~a/n; I just wanted to say that I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for not updating in FOREVER! school has just been so busy! but I'm updating now!(: hope you enjoy! *oh and btw it's the next morning after Dan and MiAsia get back* ~

~Breanne's POV~

"You're... going on another tour?" My face drops all of a sudden as Tyler tells me the news.
"Yeah. But, why can't you just come with us like you did this last tour?"
"I.. I don't know. I just missed my family so much last tour as much as I loved being with you and the other guys. I mean, I'm glad you guys are doing another world tour but I don't know if I can be away from family for that long again. I haven't even been home since last tour."
"We did go to your house though!"
"For a night! That wasn't long enough for me. Maybe..." I let my thought trail before I tell him exactly what I'm thinking. "Maybe... what?"
"Maybe, but JUST maybe, I can go with you guys for half the tour and then stay at home the rest? Wait, where are you guys starting the tour?"
"We're starting in Japan."
"How about I come with you guys to all of the international places and when you play shows here in the US, I stay with my family. Does that sound okay?"
"That sounds incredible!" he says with absolutely no hesitation. "Great! I'll go talk to MiAsia and Abby about it and see if they want to do this whole plan with me!" I give Tyler a hug before walking out of our room to get MiAsia and Abby. "Hey Abby, MiAsia, will you come with me in the kitchen? I wanted to ask you something." They both get up from the couch and join me in the kitchen. "So... the boys are going on another world tour."
"Yeah, Dan told me yesterday."
"But, I had a plan where we could all still go on tour with them but still see all of our families! What I was thinking was that we could go with them to all of the international places and when they play here in the states, we could stay with our families. Does that sound doable?"
"Uhh, yeah! That sounds amazing!" Abby says. "That's probably the best option for us since we all haven't seen our families since before last tour." MiAsia says. "My thoughts exactly. Shall we go tell the boys?" I ask. "Well, duh!" They both say in unison. We walk out to the living room and sit on the couch with the guys. "So, we've decided that we would all go with you guys on the international dates of the tour and when you have shows in the states, we'll just stay with our families!" I announce. They all smile and nod in agreement at our plan. "This is great!" Dan says. "Hell yeah it is!" Cameron screams. "Cameron!!" We all yell at him. "Sorry, I'm just excited!" We all laugh at him and agree we should get lunch.


"So where are we going??" Tyler asks as we climb in the car to go get lunch. "Chipotle!" I say. MiAsia and Abby agree with me and so do the other guys. "Chipotle it is!" Tyler says and pulls away.
"Cause you make me feel like! I've been locked out of Heaven!" The guys harmonize to 'Locked out of Heaven' by Bruno Mars. "C'mon babe." Tyler glances over at me, keeping his eyes on the road as well. "Sing with us. Please?" He takes my hand, keeping one hand on the wheel. "I told you, I can't sing and I don't like singing in front of people." I hold his hand back. "Please?" He manages to make an effective puppy dog face and I break. I'm a sucker for that face. "Okay, fine. But I'm picking the song!" He celebrates quietly and I end up picking You (Acoustic) because I love it and I can sing along with it easily. {I didn't do this on purpose I just love this song so much}
"I've got that sunset vibe that drives me wild it's tru-u-u-u-u-ue." I sing and soon realize I'm the only one singing. "Tyler, I'm not going to sing unless everyone else does. I hate singing by myself." "Fine, just keep singing."
"You hit me like an earthquake, first date, Abercrombie soul mate, we can do this all day. A-ooh-ooh." Everyone else joins in with me. We keep singing and having a good time. Then, I hear tires screeching and the car spins around. The next thing I remember is hearing loud sirens. I lift my head up and see blurry red and light flashing lights and feel something on my forehead. I reach my hand to my head and I feel blood. Oh man, what happened? I think to myself. "Guys?" I manage to squeak out. I look back and I don't see anyone. I look over at the drivers seat and I don't see Tyler either.. I hear the door open and I turn my head to see who it is and I can't because my head hurts so bad. The people take off my seatbelt and pull me out and lay me on a bed. "Whe-where are my friends?" My voice is barely heard over the occasional sirens. Sirens. That means ambulances. So these guys are paramedics. I soon figure out. Well then what the fuck happened? The paramedics clean my face off and get an oxygen tube in my nose and get me into the back of the ambulance. I notice a paramedic in the back with me so I ask what happened. "Wha- what happened? Where are my friends?" I sound so weak but I need to know. "Your friends are all in different ambulances to the same hospital and you got into a car wreck." The paramedic tells me. I remember now. We were driving and singing and then... well, maybe I don't remember. "What exactly happened?"
"None of you were well enough to tell us but the man who hit you was and he truthfully told us everything. It was quite shocking actually. His story was that he was texting and he didn't see the red light immediately and he ran into your back end of your car. He was completely fine. What he didn't tell us is that he had been drinking only a couple hours earlier."
"Well, thank you for that."
The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital with IVs and monitors everywhere. I never thought I'd be in a hospital again until I was getting this cast off. I see Tyler sitting in the seat by the door and he gets up as soon as I move.
"I'm so glad to see you awake." He says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Are you okay?"
"I guess." I tell him. "My head just really hurts."
"Yeah, the paramedics and doctors said you hit your head on the dashboard when we got in the wreck. And now you have stitches where you hit it."
"That explains the blood I felt on my head. Where are the rest of our friends?"
"They're all fine. I guess it was just you who got the bad end of things."
"I'm always at the bad end of things."
"It can't be all bad!" MiAsia says as the rest of our friends walk in. "You have a great boyfriend and four other best friends who love you!" Abby says. They all come hug me and then stand beside my bed and talk about everything good that's happened.


"Ms. Storms?" The nurse comes in. "Yes, the doctor says you'll need to stay overnight so we can monitor you but if you're okay in the morning, you'll be free to go home." He says cheerfully. "Great, thanks!" I say and everyone cheers. The nurse gives me pain pills to take at 9 so I can fall asleep without there being pain. {obviously lol} The nurse leaves and we celebrate kind of loud but not loud enough to disturb anyone else.


"Oh, wow! It's 9:30 and my pain pills are kicking in and I can tell I'm going to fall asleep any minute so I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I say to everyone. "Yeah, of course!" Dan says. They all hug me and Tyler gives me a kiss and they go back to the house.

~Again, I am sooooooo sorry for not updating for FOREVER. School and life have just been so busy but it's done and up now and I hope you liked it!
And, I didn't look over it for spelling and grammar so if there are any mistakes, so sorry!
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