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It was a beautiful night. The weather was just perfect to take a little walk. As much as everyone told (Y/N) walking alone at night was a horrible idea, she didn't listen. Why? Because she was the daring type. She wanted to prove that she could go for a small walk alone at night without anything happening to her.

She left her apartment and started to go on her walk. The light breeze hit her face as she exited the apartment complex. She took a deep breathe of the wonderful night air. She always loved being outside during the night. It was relaxing to her somehow.

As she began to turn the corner, she got this feeling someone was following her. But it was very late at night on a weekday, barely anyone would be out at this time. Maybe someone else was taking a walk on her same path. She continued walking, but the feeling of being followed only grew stronger the farther she went. Who could be following her? Does she dare look behind her to see who it is? Taking a deep breathe, she turned around. No one. She just shrugged. False alarm, no one was following.

Realizing how far she was from her house, she decided to walk back. She then suddenly got that feeling someone was following her again. Who could be fast enough to hide before she looks? Was it some person with super human speed or something? All she wanted was to get home. Maybe they were right. Maybe it is dangerous to be outside alone at night.

She started walking faster, hopefully she could get home quicker and have this stalker off her back. But now it sounded like this person started walking faster too, and not as quiet and sneaky as before. (Y/N) began to run and hopefully lose him that way. But she only heard footsteps running behind her. The faster she went, they went faster as well.

Then, they suddenly stopped. Did she lose them at last? Maybe. She looks back one last time, just to make sure she did lose them. She breathes a sigh of relief. As she turns around to walk back, something hits her in the head and knocks her out. A dark figure stands over her, and looks at her unconscious body on the pavement.

"I think you might have hit her a little too hard..." Says a voice behind the figure.

"What do you mean?" Asks the figure in a deeper voice.

"Well, she's unconscious, and I'm not sure she's breathing."

"Don't worry, she's still breathing. But I had to knock her unconscious. It's the only way to get her back without her fighting back."

The dark figure then picks up (Y/N) and starts to go into a forest nearby. They go very deep into the woods, and head into a small house. (Y/N) is put into the basement until she awakes, the, her new life will begin. Little does she know, who these people are, and what kind of creature as well.

Darkness (Wonwoo x Reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now