Chapter Two

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Chapter Two~ Allison's P.O.V

"ALLISON MAE MURPHY, YOU HAVE THIRTY MINUTES TO GET YOURSELF READYTHEN WE NEED TO BE ON OUR WAY!" My mother yelled at the my bedroom door. I groaned at the thought of waking up, but smiled once I remembered I would be meeting Demi Lovato in person today. I rolled over to check my phone realizing that it was only 3:45! I pushed myself out of bed, draping my feet along the side and reached for the light. I grabbed the clothes that I picked out from yesterday, and slowly put them on then walked over to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I put on my makeup also applying some foundation on my arms and stomach so no one could see my cuts or scars, then fixed my hair so it was in loose curls. I grabbed my glasses and put them on the top of my head since it was still dark out.

I took my makeup bag and phone then jogged down the stairs with my guitar in hand. "Let's get a move on old ladies!" I chuckled as I got to the bottom of the stairs. I began putting on my navy toms and saw my older sister Eleanor by for years and mother run into the front hallway. "We're takin' the Land Rover." I instructed as I grabbed my keys.

I opened the front door of my condo and took the elevator to the underground parking lot.

I set my guitar and everything else in the trunk of my truck and hopped into the driver's seat while my mom and sister put their suit-cases cases in the back. See, today after my audition I would be taking them to a hotel because my brother-in-law Adam and niece Aroura were coming down from Ireland. I put the keys into the ignition and my favourite song came on. 'Skyscraper' by Demi Lovato. And just to think in a few hours I would be meeting her. Having a conversation with her. singing for her. Being able to see her face to face.

"You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am. Like I'm made of glass, like I'm paper. So go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper." I belted out the lyrics along with her. It was my dream to sing with that girl. At the end of the song I was in tears, an emotional wreck I suppose you could say. The song was so emotional and raw I couldn't stop myself. I wish I could be as strong as that beautiful girl. Before my mom and sister got into the car, I managed to contain myself and wiped away the tears. "Ight, buckle up I want to go to Starbucks. And then we can be on our way to the X Factor." I sniffled driving out of the parking lot. We really were only about a half hour away from the X Factor stadium, so we were in no rush. I really just wanted to be at the front of the line so I could get my audition over and done with.

About thirty minutes later, we arrived at the auditions and parked the car in the car really didn't see that there was a lot of people there. Maybe only fifty people and probably only fifteen or so would be auditioning out of the whole crowed. The rest of them were probably supporters. It was also 4:45 so it was a bit early. I grabbed my guitar, phone and makeup bag out of the trunk, then found my place in line along with my mother and sister. Eleanor spread out a blanket and we sat down on the cold hard ground. The doors wouldn't be open until about nine o'clock, so we were stuck outside until they let us in.

As the sun started to peak out, more and more people began to line up. "Thank God we got here when we did eh mama?" I laughed and I took my guitar out of its case. My mom just nodded and smiled. I started practicing the song that I was going to audition with and a crowed started to develop around me. There were words going around the crowed like "WOW" or "She's so good!" and "That girl has the X Factor!" every positive thing they said about me, made me feel so good. It made me feel wanted. Appreciated. Happy. I just smiled at them all and concentrated on my music.

About an hour later, a nice crew member in a black shirt came out of the stadium. "Okay everyone, we're going to take the first fifty contestants!" He said through a megaphone. He led the first fifty contestants along with their supporters through the doors which included me. We all went in a line to get our numbers and I put number '17' on my stomach. We went to go sit down after I received my number, and I rested my head on my mom's lap.

"look over there, it's that girl that was singing. What a waste of talent eh? She's not going to win. No wonder she cuts herself." I heard a group of girls say. I looked around to see a bunch of blond girls pointing and laughing at me. were my cuts showing? I started to panic.

"Excuse me ma, can you save my place in line I needa use the toilets." I mumbled and picked up my makeup bag. I made my way to the toilets having to pass those stupid mean girls and stood in front of the mirror. I looked down at my arms seeing that the makeup wore off and you actually could see the cuts. Suddenly the door busted open and my sister walked over to me. I lifted myself up onto the counter and began to apply makeup to my arms.

"Give er here babe." Eleanor offered a small smile and gently took my wrist in her hand. Eleanor was the only one who knew about this. Well she only knew about the cutting and only a bit. I shared a room with her for Christ sakes she would have to know. all though she never really did know the reasoning behind it. she started gently applying the makeup and when she was all done she gave my arm a small kiss.

"You didn't have to do that Ellie." I whispered having tears well up in my eyes.

"Yeah I do, you're my little sister and I'm not going to let a group of stupid bitches hurt you. You deserve more than this ally, you're so talented and beautiful. I don't get why you do this to yourself, there is no reason for it. Nothing bad happened to you." She whispered reassuringly.

"You don't know the half of it." I spat. But it was the truth. She didn't know shit about what happened in my life. Half of the shit happened in our very own basement, and school. She knows absolutely nothing.

"Well, don't listen to anyone except me right now, okay? you're are so talented and you will make it, everyone's gunna love you babe." She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks sistah." I smiled weakly hopping down from the counter. She just patted my back and wrapped her arm around my shoulder walking us back out to or seats.

"Head up girlie." She whispered in my ear and lifted up my chin as we walked past the group of blonde girls. "At a girl hun." She smiled. We sat down in our seats, only soon to be back up again.

"Allison Murphy, the judges will be ready for you soon. Why don't you follow me back stage." One of the crew members said through his megaphone. Eleanor, my mother and myself all flowed the man backstage and waited until we were given further instructions. "So you can just continue practicing back here as much as you can, and I'll call you up when it's your turn. They should be ready for you shortly." He smiled. I nodded as he walked away and pulled my guitar out of its case.

I practiced again for another thirty minutes, still having people watching me. It was like a concert, well a mini one. But like all concerts, there are always haters. The same group of girls were judging and making fun of me once more making me stop what I was doing. "Head up sweetie." My sister said. I nodded my head and slung my guitar over my shoulder. If this was the career choice I wanted, I would have to deal with this. There were always going to be haters not matter what. And even if it hurt, it was just something I would have to learn to deal with.

"Allison Murphy, you're up." The same crew member said. I walked up the metal steps after giving my mum and sister a hug and kiss for good luck. This was it, the opportunity of a life time. I was going to audition for the X Factor USA and better yet meat the amazingly beautiful and talented, Demi Lovato herself.

[aye ;) so I hope that you liked this chapter. it's just getting into the story right now to be honest so it's not the greatest, but it'll get better as the storyline progresses. so just keep up on reading it, I promise you it's worth your time. I already have the whole story written and I have the sequel half done. anyways. give me a vote, and follow me. also if you could comment your opinions that would be greatly appreciated thanks babes. ;)

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