Chapter 14

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Sitting with my sisters in my bedroom, while my parents along with Bobby, Crowley, and Sam, are downstairs talking - well, more like arguing - with my birth parents about them taking me back.... I don't like it. Can they even do that? Even if they have a lot of money? After seventeen years, I'm pretty certain that's not even legal.

Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak are my legal parents, not whoever my birth parents are. And because of all this, I really don't want anything to do with my birth parents, and I am not going with them.

Looking over at my door as what sounds like something or someone crashing to the floor downstairs occurs, I get up off my bed, followed by Mary-Kate and Ashley, and run downstairs. Where I find papa on the floor clutching his shoulder.

Rushing over to him, I kneel down next to him and examine his shoulder, but he winces slightly as I help him take off his coat so I can get a better look at his shoulder. Now, I'm no doctor, but I think something might be broken, or at the very least sprained. But his shoulder seems to be swelling a bit fast. But despite that, he still stands up and walks over to dad, as he glares at the guy who I'm guessing is my birth father.

The man who must've done something to hurt him....

"You've crossed the line, buddy." Dad starts, walking closer to the guy. "No one, hurts Cas." He says. "I don't care who you think you are, but nobody hurts Castiel." He then swings his fist back, and punches him straight in the jaw, causing the guy to stumble backwards into the woman's arms.

Dad then turns to papa and pulls him to his chest careful of his shoulder. Papa just buries his head in dad's chest, and I notice Crowley, Sam and Bobby standing in front of the both of them, watching my birth parents.

"I don't understand why you both would have assumed you were just going to come here and get Kellin back just like that." Crowley says. "You weren't there for him for seventeen years now, so what makes you think that you'd legally be able to just come and take him back?"

"He's our son." The woman says. "Not their son." Glaring at dad and papa, then Crowley.

I look between them, to see that the woman looks determined to have me back, but she's not getting me back. She was never there for me. The only part of my life she had, was giving birth to me, then putting me up for adoption. If she wanted me back, then why the fuck did she put me up for adoption in the first place?

"Correction, Kellin was never your son!" Crowley shouts. "If he's your son like you say he is, then why the bloody hell did you put him up for adoption in the first place?!"

The woman doesn't say anything, just glares at dad and papa, before turning her attention over to me. But I look away from her, not wanting to even make eye contact with the woman. She's not my mother, and never will be. I don't have a mother and will never have one, and I'm completely fine with that. I've got two amazing fathers instead, and I wouldn't trade them for anything else in the world.

Looking behind me, I notice Mary-Kate and Ashley walking over to their parents slowly, while casting glances over at me.

"Mom, dad." Ashley starts. "Do you really think it's a good idea for Kellin to go back with us?"

"They're happy here with Mr. Winchester and Mr. Novak." Mary-Kate adds, looking over at me. "Like we've been trying to tell you both for months now, Ashley and I both don't think this is a good idea, and we don't want Kellin to be somewhere that they're not comfortable or happy being in." She says. "And he's happy here. He'll never be happy with us. No matter what you want."

I smile at her. Glad that she, along with Ashley, are on the side of me staying with dad and papa. Both Mary-Kate and Ashley want what's best for me, and that is for me to stay with dad and papa. And besides, even though we're siblings by blood, they're still pretty much complete strangers to me. However, I wouldn't mind getting to know them more one day after all this blows over.

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