2016 Unique Chapter: A Demigod Carol (for Lizzy Dane)

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Have you ever had something that you hated with passion? A day that brings so many bad memories to you that you decided to show the world how much you hate that day?

Well, that was Luke Castellan's purpose during Christmas time.

You see, Luke Castellan was a demigod that, when he was younger, tried to take over the center of power of the Olympians, Mount Olympus. Or, if you rather, the Empire State in New York City. Unfortunately for him, he was stopped by two demigods that were like family to him. Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson.

Annabeth was like Luke's little sister. And she felt that way towards him. Which is why she felt the need of saving him. That day, Annabeth saved Luke, but she didn't save him completely. A part of him remained bitter that his dreams couldn't come true. A part of him was bitter because he couldn't show how good he was.

Time past.

Luke Castellan watched as his friends grew up, got married and started families of their owns, leaving the dangerous life of the demigod, even though they were settling down in the new founded city of New Athens, inside Camp Half-Blood. Luke himself lived there, as he was much older than the councilors and some younger kids were scared by his grumpy aspect, as well as his mood.

"Good day, brother!" Luke wanted to groan and that's what he did. He didn't like this time of year and everyone was well aware of that. But, there was always someone who dared to invited him for Christmas' dinner. Everyyear, the invitations of several of his old friends were send on the mail, but there were two that still bothered to come to his door. His step brothers, Travis and Connor Stoll.

"Indeed, have a goo day, brother!"

"Would you two stop talking like if we are a classic movie?!" Luke scolded them, bitter. "I'm not in the mood."

"Ah! But we think you will!"

"Exactly, you will!!"

"To the point, get to the point!" Luke hurried them, still walking to his destiny.

"Oh, yeah... Well, as you know, tonight is Christmas' Eve-"

"-we're gathering all the cabin back in our house-"

"-and we were wondering-"

"-if it wasn't too much trouble-"

"-that you graced us with your presence!" Both brothers finished the sentence together, earning a confused look from their older brother. After a few seconds, Luke changed his confused face with a frown.

"No." Was his simple reply, leaving the brothers disappointed. "Now, good day!"

"Well, Merry Christmas!"

"I said good day!"

"Or Happy Hanukah?"

"I said good day!!"

"Now, who is talking like a classic movie?"

"I said- oh, leave me alone!" Luke finally decided to slam the window close to avoid talking to the brothers again. He just wished things changed for the best to him. And that he could be left alone.

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