Chapter Fourteen

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Summer lies in bed drawing circles on her bared belly. She feels so tired. Another week has past and RIcky is still not home. Her emotions are all over the place. She's become irriatlbe. Every little thing pisses her off. And to top it off she's becoming weaker. Not weaker. Her illness is coming back and that scares her. She was just getting used to the feel of being strong and healthy. She needs Ricky's blood. Just the thought of his cinnamon blood makes her drool. She craves it with every inch of her being. 

Bam. Her door is flung open and rattles from the force it hit the wall with. Marceline stnads in her doorway panting. "Summer. He's back. Let's go." He's back! Summer jumps out of bed swaying on her feet. Spots wink in her vision. Dangit. Marceline helps Summer stay on her feet. She walks as fast as she can but it's not fast enough. Her body is giving out on her. 

"Marceline, please carry me." Marceline complies with a small smile and hefts Summer into her arms. She's being carried like a baby. They must look weird but Summer completely trusts Marceline. He's home. She needs to see Ricky now.

Damn. She is so annoying. Sandra has been a pain in his ass this week. She's worse than the little boys in his pack. He would rather spend all day with them than spend another second with Sandra. She keeps throwing herself at him and time and time again he rejects her. Doesn't she get it? He doesn't want her. Even if he wasn't mated, he still wouldn't want her. She is an alpha and his canis respects that but that's all. His canis begs to end her and wants to see Summer. Ricky agrees completely with him.

"Ricky, where are we going? Are you taking me to your bed? You don't have to. I don't mind in front of people. I'm always ready for you," Sandra's annoying voice filled his ears. Goodness, please someone kill her. 

"No. We have to talk with the Elders." Ricky drags her through the forest to the elders hall. They're almost there.

"Then, we'll have sex?" she asked yet again.

"No, we won't. We will discuss plans for a truce and then you can go home and move on. I don't want you."

"That's what you say now but they always want me. It's only a matter of time before you want me too. You shouldn't fight destiny."

They arrive in front of the hall and he barges in dragging her down the hall to the council room. Inside the elders are ready for them. "Alpha," they acknowledged.

"Elders. This is the Alpha of the East Pack. I want to make a truce with her."


"What?" Sandra steps forward. "No truce. I will attack any body I want, when I want."

Ricky sighed. "How many times do we have to go over this?"

Summer shakes. He is just beyond this door. Only wood separating them from each other. She pushes the doors open. 

Ricky stands talking to  women. Summer doesn't care. Ricky is right here. In person. She walks in. Ricky stiffens and turns around. She breaks into a run and throws herself into his arms. He immediately engulfs her in his arms. She sighs in relief. The ache in her heart vanishes with him so near. He's where he belongs. By her side. They pull away and meet in the middle with a heated kiss. 

She buries her fingers in his hair and wraps her legs around his waist. He cups her ass in his hand and pulls her as close as possible. Their kiss is one of longing, passion, and love. An elder clears his throat ans he puts Summer on her feet. Ricky keeps her close to his body. Not that she complains.

"As we were saying; Alpha Sandra please reconsider our deal. You have nothing to gain from fighting us."

"I understand," she said. Alpha? Why is an Alpha here? Is she trying to start a fight? Summer doesn't have a good feeling about this women. There's something aobut her that is unlikable. "I will make a truce. I will marry Ricky and our packs will be binded. How's that?"

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