I Don't Understand

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I just don't understand, God
It feels like you've abandoned me
Like you just left me here to die
In this dark tunnel of sin and hate, I've blinded myself from seeing You
I keep on walking and as I'm walking, someone is keep a knife close to my back
Each step I take, it goes farther into my body
I scream out in pain
God, where are you?
In the darkness you're supposed to be the light
Nothing but darkness fills the air
The air is shallow; I can barely breathe
I'm naked and cold; no warm air lingered
Blood poured down my back
I can't hear you, Lord
I can't hear you over the whispers in my ear
"You're a failure"
"You can't"
"Go die in a hole"
"You never deserved to live"
"No one likes you"
I fell to the ground
The whispers died away
The knife in my back stopped digging deeper
The blade was piercing my heart
I heard footsteps walking towards me
"Get away from me!" I cried
But the footsteps kept coming closer
I was in too much pain to move
Instead, I laid there on there on the stone floor with my shallow breaths
A hand touched my shoulder
I looked up to see a light
A light so strong that it blinded me
"I am here" the voice said
As those words were said, my pain was gone
The knife that was stuck in me, felt like it was never there
Thank you, God
I stood up to face Him, but I still couldn't see
He held my hand as He led me out of the never ending tunnel.
Because there is always an end to your suffering when you have God, and you let God lead the way

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