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Since Serene took her own life her soul doesn't leave Earth yet, her soul still lingered all over the school, all over the town. It was a haunted small town and everyone assume that it was always her, waiting for the right time for vengeance. Waiting for Jandy...

Johnny and DyeAnn didn't have a safe relationship after Serene died, she was so obsessed to the point that everyone thinks she cursed the love that was bonding John and Ann. There was this time that the whole school were about to collapse and they assume that it's Serene, not until Johnny and DyeAnn decided to go seperate ways.

Johnny stepped out the small town where DyeAnn was left there, she couldn't leave, her life was there unlike Johnny who has his family in Rome.

Everything was settled, they just need to move on for their own good and accept that they can't really be together, but...

DyeAnn was pregnant to Jandy. And that's how the curse of Serene's obsessive love continues...

After she gave birth to Jandy she took care of her up until she's 10 years old but then rumours keep on spreading that girls who are studying at Selene Engrande College ended up ill, injured or worst some girls die.

And their theory was the "JOHN Theory". Everytime there's a new transfer student with a name John on it and the girl that they use to be with, even if it's just a friend, some students believed that it was Serene's ghost that was responsible for all of those killing cases on their school but then majority of the students believed that it was just an accident. About 3 girls died, same accident, same theory. And one of those girls is Cecilia, daughter of Cynthia a friend of Jandy's mom, who was a very kind hearted person, caught swimming in her own pool of blood at their classroom and the theory takes role cuz everyone knew her boyfriend was the transferred student named Kurt John.


Well as you can see this chapter is a little short :D But still I hope it's fine with you. Just leave a comment if you want to clarify things ^_^
Thankyou. Have fuuun!

Also expect the next chapter to be shorter than this, and also it might be the end tho. Hihi. :D

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