.2| Trouble

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Upon walking inside, you learned three things.

1. You had absolutely no idea where Jimin was and if he was anywhere, he was not wondering over when you were going to turn up. He was most probably in a corner of a room just drinking, chatting up a potential new girlfriend and picking colours for their future wedding.

2. You didn't know anybody there. Nobody aside from Jimin anyway, and that familiar sense of dread was starting to rise up your throat to form a lump you just couldn't swallow down.

3. You were starting to get just a little anxious.

It was cramped and hot and loud. Your senses seemed to be assaulted all at once as you stood with your back to a wall pretending to be on your phone so you looked cool- regardless, you figured you probably didn't anyway- rather than a person who'd never learned how to approach another human being and talk to them, so you pulled up your hoodie over your head hoping to God that you'd glance Jimin somewhere amongst the crowd. Meanwhile, everybody else paid you no notice, dancing in clumps and knocking into you as they squeezed past.

[Y/N] sent 10:10PM

how could u

Wherever Jimin was, he was kind enough to reply.

[Jimin] sent 10:10PM


[Y/N] sent 10:11PM

u knew I was nervous about this!! where!!! are u??

No reply.

You blew out a breath. It whistled through your clamped teeth and you pressed yourself further into the side of the room as somebody nearly knocked into you. You decided that you should've stayed home.

[Y/N] sent 10:13PM

I've tried looking for u but idk where u are, Jimin

u know what, whoever you're chatting up rn, I hope she's allergic to cats and it leads to your eventual divorce

[Jimin] sent 10:14PM

Mean :((
Where are u??

You glanced up to survey the room. It was dark, oddly foggy too, which you determined could've been a fog machine if they had one. Looking at the expensive furniture only a feet away from you, it didn't surprise you if they did have one for parties like this. The music thumped; no melody as people danced against each other, holding their drink high above their heads because there wasn't enough room to even settle their arms by their sides. Nearby, if you looked between the waving arms and bobbing heads, you could see a light to another room. Luckily, you glimpsed a fridge with a sink beside it, which had various bottles and cups piled either side.

You looked back down to your mobile, trying to shake out the nervousness in you.

[Y/N] sent 10:14PM

I hate u
I'm in the living room? I think?? By the kitchen
wbu, where were u??

[Jimin] sent 10:15PM

something came up
tell u about it later
pls don't hate me. I'm coming rn

[Y/N] sent 10:15PM
Thank u

[Jimin] sent 10:16PM

You smiled a little, your thumbs moving to reply–


Somehow, within the clamorous music, a man's voice pierced the air, and for a moment, your heart skipped a beat when you thought somebody had been shouting for you. Maybe one of Jimin's friends had recognised you? Had he shown them a photo of you or something?

You relaxed slightly upon seeing a dark haired man stumble out through the crowds of people, leaning heavily on the sofa not far in front of you, followed by a second person.

The first man whipped round in a swaying way, making you think in concern that perhaps he was drunk. You could only make out the roundness of his face and the piercings that dangled from each of his ears. Glancing down, you could see he had a cup, which probably held alcohol, and he moved back and forth on the balls of his feet as he pushed himself away from the sofa. As the man did so, and it was only for a moment, he lifted his gaze to make eye contact with you. It struck you that something had passed through his eyes when he did. However fleeting, you sensed a sort of sadness in them.

Part of you wanted to step forward, to help him, but before you could finish the thought, the person who'd followed him had finally struggled their way through the clumps of people filling the living room; a blonde head sticking out before a whole set of arms, torso and legs appeared. Peering more into the shifting light of purple and blue, you saw it was another man.

"Jungkook!"  He shouted angrily, a deep furrow in the middle of his eyebrows.

The man you now knew to be Jungkook turned rather ungracefully on his heel. The top half of his body tipped forward and he lost his balance, wobbling precariously on his own feet, before he found purchase on the sofa again, seeming to smile to himself in relief that he'd saved himself from falling. Unlucky for him that wasn't the only thing he had to worry about.

Just as he found stance again, the blonde man advanced, grasping at Jungkook's shirt. His glare was dangerous: an unsettling sight within the darkness. "Stay away from my house!"

"Kwan!" Jungkook blinked heavily. "I didn't mean to–" His cup dropped from his grasp. Jungkook  suddenly began to move his head left and right. You watched the cup roll away from his feet before stopping at your toes. Where was Jimin? You wanted to leave. You wished you'd never agreed to go in the first place.

"W-where's Taehyung?" He rubbed at his face with a groan. He seemed unbothered by Kwan's unwavering grasp while he lolled his head back, too far gone to keep his eyes fully open.

"Where's...he said he'd-where is he?" He went to turn away but Kwan shoved him back, knocking him to floor. Even with the loud music, you heard a slam with the impact of Jungkook's solid body.

"I said, stay away, Jungkook."

You hoped somebody would help but many people were either passed out, too drunk to step in or watching for their own amusement. Some were even pulling out their mobiles to film the drama, like this was act at a circus, forming a circle around the pair. You knew you should've done something there and then, and yet your feet were stuck in place to the carpet. Your entire form was frozen to the spot, but at the bottom of your ankles it felt like a spring being recoiled back; ready to ping into action. Help him, a voice said at the back of your head, how are you any better than everyone else if you just watch?

Poor Jungkook attempted to get to his feet. Some onlookers cheered from the spectating crowd and for a moment, you glimpsed his reaction; a tiny smirk. But his feet staggered forward, then back before giving way to the carpet again. Jungkook's finger tips dug into the stiff material.

Get up, you urged inside your head, come on. People booed after he'd crumpled. You wished you had it in you to shout at them to shut up.

He propped himself up on his elbows, scowling up at Kwan, like he wished he could punch the satisfied smile off his face.

Oh no.

"Come on, then." He challenged, jutting his chin out. "I may be drunk, but you're still a little bitch."

Kwan's teeth were gritted together. Knuckles tensed from clenching his fists, and jaw tight from trying to keep calm, his eyelids slid down over his dark pupils to inhale deeply and as they did Jungkook turned his head to meet your eyes.

Again, for a second time that evening, in that frozen second between the stand off and the fight, you saw his eyes flick to you, pin you down with a helpless look; one that said,


For you, for whatever reason, that was all it took.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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