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Right as the gun went off, and her blood splattered on his shirt, his clock stopped. He felt it, he was aware of an emptiness inside of him that slowly started to expand. The countdown was over. He couldn't take his eyes off the girl in front of him. This, this was all that was left of his soulmate. He hadn't even had a chance to talk to her, and now he had to watch her die in front of him. This wasn't how this was supposed to work. No! He was supposed to spend a happy life with her! He was supposed to get to know her! Have a family! A perfect life that is what they promised. Not this... Not watching your soulmate's life drain from her knowing you can't do anything for her. He slowly sunk to his knees in front of her and gathered her in his arms, too shocked to speak. Here he was, his soulmate's life drained out of her, and her killer just getting away with it. The murderer ran off with all of his hopes. All of his dreams for the future! How could he? How could he just kill her? The girl's blood soaked his shirt as a soft broken sob escaped his lips. "No..." He mumbled "No!" His voice was broken and desperate "No, come back... Please, come back... I promise I'll take care of you and love you with everything I have... Just please... Please come back" The tears came quickly and the sobs loudly as he cradled her bleeding, dead body to him. This is how they found him the next morning, clutching the girl's body to his chest, his clock stopped and his life ripped apart by a single bullet.

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