Chapter 1

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I was floating in an endless abyss, the darkness stretched out as far as the eye could see. People were talking, no, it could not be people for I was alone in the abyss. Voices was a better term to describe them; little murmurs that bounced around in the darkness. They wouldn't stop, it was driving me to the brink of insanity. But then the voices stopped and I was left in complete, utter silence . I turned my head slightly to the right and saw a light appear, it was just a speck like a single snowflake. I reached out floating towards it, the closer I got, the bigger it became. With only the slight touch of my finger  the light crawled up my arm and engulfed my entire body.

The light was blinding when my eyes shot open. I must have sat up quicker than I intended because I got a splitting pain in my head. My body felt numb, it seems as though it had been acting on its own accord when I sat up. I was in a brightly-lit room, everything was a bleak white and it startled me that I was not in my own room. I looked around and saw a man and a woman. I recognized the woman as my mother; you could never forget her piercing blue eyes. I always thought they were like an ocean you, could get lost in them. I was glad to inherit them, I always loved my mother's eyes.

She pushed a few strands of her dark brown hair behind her ear. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were a bit swollen. I turned towards the man while he pushed up his glasses and looked at me through his dirty blond locks. I'm definitely in a hospital room and with him in a white coat, I can only assume this man is a doctor. He was writing something down on a little piece of paper and with the distinct click of his pen he stopped writing and mumbled under his breath . I didn't notice my mother was hugging me until I felt something wet on my back.

"I'm so glad you're okay, I thought I'd lost you," her voice sounded broken.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You don't know?" Mom furrowed her eyebrows.

Know what, Ma, all I know is that we were driving home from Aunt Sue's house after the Christmas Eve party and..."

Memories come flooding back to me.

"Thank you for the party, Sue," Mom said.

"I had a great time," I added on. Mom, Dad, and I hugged Aunt Sue and waved good-bye as as we walked back to the car. We had to leave early because Dad had some work to do in the morning. I was pretty upset at first, he was working ON CHRISTMAS. But he does a lot for my mother and I. Especially since Emily. It was a fairly quiet drive so far, but words weren't needed. The night sky was beautiful as the stars shimmered ever so slightly. This is one of the reasons I loved living out in the country.

I also loved rolling down the grassy hills when I was young. I still do sometimes, just not as much. My eyes locked onto the digital clock, it was one minute 'til midnight. I continued to stare, waiting... waiting... until the clock finally struck twleve. "Merry Christmas!" I shouted.

"Merry Chris-----," my father started to say, but was cut off my the sound of a horn. I saw the lights of the truck and heard screeching before everything went black.

"Where's Dad?" I asked, searching frantically around the room. I took a glance at my mom, then my eyes trained on the doctor. His face looked grim.

"I'm afraid your father died the instant that truck crashed into your car." I looked back at my mother and hugged her. This time it was my turn to cry on her shoulder.

"Why does this have to happen again," I sniffled.


That's it for now guys. Sorry to leave it at a cliff hanger, but I want to know you guys are interested in the story. I'm not going to write something you won't read. As Willy Wonka phrases it, "Good day, sir!"

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