Chapter 2

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        I sat there in my mother's arms crying out to my heart's content. The pain was unbearable, it felt like I was sufficating and yet I was still breathing. There was a lump in my throat, so I could not speak, only cry with a muffled sob here and there. I was cryimg for a good solid hour before the waterfall became a trickle. Slowly but surely the flow of tears became mere droplets. I looked up from my mother's shirt that was now soaked with my tears. The doctor was no where to be seen, he must have left to give us some space.

"At least..." I swallowed,"at least he didn't have to suffer." My muscles twitched in a slight smile, however; those words only made my heart break. I may have displayed a smile, but my eyes did not show it. After all your eyes are a gateway to your soul and my soul was being tortured. But my mother knew I forced that smile, she always knew how I really felt. I was finally able to stop the tears, but the pain was still there. Now that my head wasn't throbbing and my vision was clearing up, I got a good look at my mother's arms. They were scraped and bruised all over. "Ma, you look terrible." My mother put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes while jumping into her sarcastic side.

"Thanks, sweetie. That's just what every mother wants to hear from their daughter." The air felt lighter when she said that, I was glad to have her lighten the mood. The doctor came back into the room and walked towards me. Before my mind could register my mouth decided to say,

"What's up doc?" He was taken aback my sudden question and reference. His face seemed as though I had been wearing pants on my head, but he smiled none the less.

"I am hear to inform you of what we have done and what your current status is. We have sucessfully taken out the shard of glass that was stuck in your left arm and put in the stitches. We have a cast and crutches ready for your broken leg. You had a minor concussion and are currently on some pain medication for that and the glass. Also, you have two brokwn ribs, so we will be keeping you over night to do an evaluation tomorrow to see if they were placed back properly and will not pierce your lungs or heart. You will stay here for another day; two days max. I will be checking in periodicly to see how your doing." I could only nod as I processed his words and winced at the broken ribs part. Good news that I won't have to stay in this uncomfortable hospital bed for too long, I think I have a crick in my neck already. He then turned to my mother. "Ma'am I suggest you get to your own room so that you can rest, and we can check you out tomorrow." I almost forgot mom had a different room in the the hospital.

"Wait, how did you get in here," I motioned to the room around us. Her eyes slightly shadowed in that moment and with serious came her words,

"Never seperate a mother from her child." Chills ran up my spine and crawled back down as I shuddered. There is one thing that I've learned over the years, ever since I was a wee little child. NEVER mess with my mother. Even after my mother stated this the doctor insisted that my mother go and rest. She twisted her head towards the the doctor than back to me,"I'll be back tomorrow." With a final sigh my mother got up and walked out ther door with the doctor following in tow.

All I could do was stare at the ceiling and think. I tried to remember anything after the I blacked out. It's a bit hazy but I remember waking up or at least being semi-conscious as I heard the sirens get closer. I got so worked up that I couldn't picture it clearly, I didn't notice the docter walk back into the room. I jumped a little as he startled me when he spoke,

"Are you feeling any pain at all?" I shook my head while asked a few more questions. He must have got what he needed because he spun on his heel and started to walk away.

"WAIT!" He looked back at me like I was crazy, so I quickly composed myself. "I wish to know more about what happened after the crash. Why did the driver crash into us?" He seemed hesitant at first, but that washed away as he spoke calmly and clearly.

"The driver, Jamie Bernstein, was intoxicated at the time of the crash. His injuries are not as bad as yours, however, his right arm is broken. He was checked out today and is currently with the police." I felt tears start to well up in my eyes again. One stupid mistake took my father's life away. The doctor walked out saying call someone if you need anything. Once again I was starring at the ceiling, my mind was clouded with sadness and anger. I was angry at the guy for doing something illegal and making my father pay the price. But I was mostly angry at the fact that that this happened in the first place. What had I done to deserve this?

As far as I know I was a good kid, I got good grades, I was polite, and helpful. So why! Why was the world so cruel to its people! I was so angry that I punched the wall. That was a mistake; my hand hurt like hell. Thankfully it wasn't broken, and oddly enough no one came to the room from the sound. After my fit a rage I noticed it was dark outside. Time wasn't passing any faster so I decided that I should go to sleep. I hope you meet Emily up there Dad... say hi for me. I thought as the fatigue set in and I silently fell alseep.

Hey guys! If you didn't read the description: I noticed that I never mentained the main character's name in this chapter or the first one. But I did mention the gender in this chapter, so I hope that is good for now. Until next time. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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