Chapter 48

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FAITH POV:  Today is Gracie and William's wedding day. I can't believe its here. Gracie so far seems pretty calm but I have a feeling that's about to change.  I went upstairs to check on the girls. "Maggie, Audrey.." "yeah mom, you both ready to head to the farm?" "yes" "okay where's Gracie?" "Probably either in her room or in Sammy's room" "okay" I checked the nursery Sammy was in his crib. Just waking up. I left him alone since he wasn't crying. I than went to Gracie's room. I knocked "Gracie.." "One  sec" she than came and opened the door. Her face and eyes are all red. Looks like she's been crying. "Gracie..whats wrong?" "Nothing, I'm just so happy but scared" "hey its normal to feel nervous. Its your wedding day" "But what if I'm making a mistake?" "Have a seat" We than both sat on her bed. "Do you love William?" "Of course I do, with all my heart" "And does he treat you well?" "Yes of course, why would you even ask me that.? You've seen him" I smiled "I know honey, listen he's great with Sammy and he loves you. He loves you both" She smiled "now come on, dry your tears and lets get ready to head to the farm" She smiled "Okay" and got up. "Want me to get Sammy for you?" "no that's ok, he's still sleeping" "Actually right before I came to your room, I checked on him and we was just waking up" "oh okay" "come on, Lets go get Sammy, and your sisters" "Where's dad and everyone else?" "Dad took everyone else to the farm already. Your uncles are helping daddy set things up" "oh okay"  We than got everything we needed and headed to the farm. We pulled in and got out of the car. We walked in the main house. "okay I'm going to go into my room and get ready" "okay" I than turned to Maggie and Audrey "Okay girls lets get you ready. Kristen will be here soon to help with hair and makeup" "okay mom" Kristen is someone I've known for years who has done my hair and makeup for shows and she agreed to help us with the wedding. I couldn't be happier. "mom" "yeah" "can you take him so I can get ready" "sure, come here little man" She than handed him to me. "thanks" she than went back upstairs.  I need to get ready as well. I than saw Tim..  "Tim.."  "yeah" "are you finished with what you need?" "yeah just about why?" "because I need to get ready and I can't do that with this little guy" "here I'll take him" "Okay Sammy go see Grandpa" I than handed him to Tim and went upstairs. After a couple of hours, I was ready and so were the girls. I than knocked on the bedroom door where Gracie was. She opened the door and took my breath away. "oh wow, you look so beautiful" She smiled "thanks" "okay so you about ready?" "yeah..wait where is Sammy?" "Your dad has him" "oh okay..but he may be hungry" "okay did you prepare any bottles?" "yeah I pumped earlier. They are in the fridge and the bottle warmer is also in the kitchen" "Okay we got it" "Thanks mom" Than before we knew it, It was time. Tim and I went upstairs to get Gracie. "Hey you ready?" I can see she was really nervous. She took a deep breath and turned around "Yes" "wow honey you beautiful" "Thanks dad" "ok lets go" We than each had her arm in ours. Tim on one side and I was on the other as we walked our baby girl down the isle. William was smiling from ear to ear and Audrey had Sammy. After we walked her up, we took our seats.

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