Did I save him?

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(A/N) GUys i'm so sorry, i got grounded...Because reasons! So I wasnt aloud on the computer for a while. Anyways im back and ill try to make this chapter really long, i owe it to you seriously you guys rock! OK so here goes nothin' :) 

(Hiccup's P.O.V.)

I shot up in the bed. 'How did I fall asleep?' I thought looking around for toothless. "OH MY GODS!!" I heard someone, most likely my mom, scream. I bolted towards her cries and screams and I saw Toothless laying in the bathtub partially filled with his blood. "N-no... NO!!" I screamed running up to the side of the tub and my crying mother. He held a note close to his chest with nine words on it.

I'm sorry, I'm going to join Hiccup. bye Toothless

I sat there and cried, when I opened my eyes I was in my room again. Toothless was sitting directly across from me with a Ouija board. "Hiccup? Are you here?" He asked keeping his fingers over the small piece(i have no clue what that thing is called and i'm to lazy to look it up). 

'Oh Thor is he really...Yep he's really doing this.'  I thought to myself as I watched Toothless stare intently at the board. "Ok fine, let's do this." I said to myself and sat in front of him. I put my finger over the piece and moved it to yes. His eyes widened and he looked up and around the room. I stared moving the piece around the board

"H" Toothless read outloud. "I,T,o,o,t,h,l,e,s,s,,i,m,i,s,s,y,o,u,a,l,o,t,d,o,n,t,d,o,a,n,y,t,h,i,n,g,s,t,u,p,i,d,l,o,v,e,y,o,u.'

Tears welled up in his eyes, as he stared down at it with disbelief in his eyes. "H-hiccup? I miss you to." He said aloud. I smiled and felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see the man that I had seen before standing there smiling. "It's time to go home." He said and I blacked out.

(Toothless' P.O.V.) 

I sat in Hiccups hospital room, watching him sleep, yeah i'm a creep I know. "Please wake up soon." I pleaded and took hold of his hand. I stared at his wrapped up neck with anger. "I'm sorry that this happened to you, this is all my fault." I said to him. I tried to pull away from him but he wouldn't let go. I stood there confused.

 He twitched.

 "Hiccup? Are you awake?" I questioned. "Hey bud." He whispered out."HICCUP! YOU'RE AWAKE!" I yelled and wrapped my arms around him.  "Woah, hey don't hug so hard or you'll squeeze the life out of me." He said wrapping his arms around me. I sat up and looked at him with a smile, which quickly dropped away. "DON'T EVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!" I yelled swatting his head.

"Ow, okay, okay, it wasn't exactly heaven for me either." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. He explained what had happened to me while he was passed out. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that." I said pulling him into a hug. "It's okay, I deserved it for putting you through with what happened." He said and hugged back, I felt his tears through my shirt. "But I have to admit it was pretty awesome being able to fly." He said smiling at me. 

I smiled back and leaned forward, pressing my lips to his. He kissed back after a few seconds. I pulled away upon hearing the door open. "Hiccup your awake!" Valka said walking in the room. "Hey mom." I said. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" She yelled. "Don't hit me!" Hiccup yelled covering his head. I laughed and sat next to him. We got news that Hiccup would have to stay for a few days. I volunteered to stay with him while he was getting better. "You know you're gonna have a sick nasty scar afterwards right." I said when we were alone.

 "Yeah, it's gonna suck, I really don't need attention drawn towards me when I get back to school." He said sighing and leaning into my shoulder. "Hey, I promise I'll make sure everyone leaves you alone, I'll fight Snotface and Tuffbutt if I have to." I said wrapping an arm around him. He laughed at the nicknames for Snotlout and Tuffnutt. "I love you Toothless, promise you'll never leave me." He said looking up at me. I smiled and said "I promise." He smiled back and pressed my lips to his, he pushed back. I licked his lips asking for permission, he granted it by opening his mouth slightly.

 I pushed my tongue in, feeling around the small area of his mouth. We pulled apart, needing to breath...stupid lungs. a small string of saliva connected our mouths. Someone came in at that moment. A girl I had seen at school before, she had blonde hair pulled into a braid. "Oh my gods Hiccup I heard what happened, are you ok? Are you happy to see me?" she asked, hugging him.

 "I'm fine Astrid, just tired and in need of rest." He said. "Then why is he in here?" She asked looking at me with disgust. "Because he's my best friend, actually he"s my boyfriend." He said pulling away from her. "What?! You would rather go out with- with a gay fag than me, the hottest most popular girl in school?" She asked striking a pose. "Yes, besides you've been nothing but a little bitch to me anyways." He said leaning into me. She gasped and raised a hand to slap him. I reacted immediately leaning in front of Hiccup so she would slap me instead.

 And she did, but it hurt more that a slap should. Then I notices she had a mini pocket knife hidden between her fingers. I stood up and touched my face, a little blood was running down. I grabbed her arm and walker to the front, one of the security guys looked over at me and hurriedly walked towards me. "Sir what happened, are you ok?" He asked noticing the blood. "I'm fine just make sure she stays away from Hiccup Haddocks room, and take away her pocket knife." I said wiping off my face. He nodded demanding she give the knife to him. I walked back into Hiccups room.

 "You ok?' He asked as I sat down. "Yeah I'm fine, just a scratch." I said grabbing a napkin of the food tray. A nurse waked in with a large bandage. She applied it to the cut on my face. "Thank you." I said. She replied with a nod and left the room. "I'm sorry." Hiccup said out of nowhere. "For what, you have nothing to apologize for." I said looking down at him. "Yes i do, i'm the one who dragged you into my pathetic excuse of a life." He said looking away. "I grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at me. "You don't have a pathetic life, and you certainly did't drag me into this, I dragged my self into it. I said pulling him next to me. "You know you can leave me if you want, you don't have to stay with me if you don't want." He said looking up at me. "See that's the thing I would only leave you if it meant saving you." I said kissing his forehead. "I love you Toothless." He said and fell asleep. I smiled and fell asleep to, holding him in my arms.

(A/N) Wow another chapter. and can I say. 1K VIEWS!!!! HOLY CRAP! you guys rock. I'm sorry about the late chapter and all, i got grounded.

Hiccup: Yeah she did it was funny.

Me: Shut it, it was not funny my poor readers were without a chapter for like a month.

Hiccup: Ok fine it wasnt that funny. 

Me: Ugh go away, we have to discuss ideas for the new chapter, im out of ideas.

Toothless:Put me in danger for once woman. 

Me: ok, see you guys next chapter i guess

Hiccup and Toothless: Bye!

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