[Hetalia] GerIta - Lemonade & Shakespeare - (AU)

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I heard my name shouted by an ever so familiar voice. I sighed as I answered it.
"What do you want?"

"It's summer! Do you know what that means?" Feliciano Vargas stood in front of me, bouncing where he stood with strained energy.
It was clear he was holding himself back. From jumping me or doing something his random mind had thought up, I could never tell.

"Not particularly." I muttered, mentally chiding myself for becoming friends with the lovable moron.

"It means beach days and cold drinks! What are we waiting for?"
I sighed yet again.

"What's wrong Ludwig? Are you sad?"

I blinked. "No. What makes you think that?"

"Well," Feliciano began, opening one eye and staring at me. I gulped a little. "You're sighing a lot, so I wondered if you were sad!" He clapped his hands together, that strange feeling gone when his eye closed.

"No, I'm not sad. I just need to finish this for - woah!"

Feliciano cut me off by grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. He was surprisingly strong for such a scrawny guy. "No excuses!" He said very seriously.
His aura became more relaxed as he continued. "Besides, what's a little break gonna do to hurt you anyways?"

I grimaced, knowing I couldn't argue with him.
"Fine..." I relented.

Before I knew it, I was being dragged out the door and down the street, the Italian holding my arm.
"Oi! Feliciano! Let go of me!" I hissed.

With a sheepish glance in my direction, he let go of my arm, but grabbed my hand to make sure I didn't ditch him.

I looked around, trying to take in the scenery while simultaneously trying to figure out where we were going.

"Over here, over here!" Feliciano pulled me down the street towards what seemed to be a farmers market or festival.

There were colorful stalls with merchants selling their wares, inviting us to come and take a look. The delicious scents of honey, vanilla, and freshly baked bread were only a few of the numerous things in the stalls. There was one with beautifully woven rugs, one selling fresh berries, and one even devoted entirely to dream catchers.

This was obviously a very motley folk, and I can say with no degree of uncertainty that Feliciano Vargas fit right in.

"Here, here!" He pulled me towards a stand that looked no different than the rest, except that the only thing it had on display was tall dispensers of differently coloured juices.

There was a man I felt like I had seen before behind the counter. He greeted Feliciano with a smile.

"Hola, senor Feli! Can I get you something today?" He smiled, some brown hair falling over his left eye.

"Ciao, Alfonso! Yes, can we have some juice?"

Ah, now I remember. Alfonso Henriques Carriado, Antonio's little Portuguese brother. The one with the crush on Lovino.

"Of course, senor Feli! What would you like?" He asked us.

"Lemonade!" Feliciano answered for me.

Alfonso chuckled a bit, moving to get our drinks. "Alright. So how is senor Lovi? Is he doing alright?"

My attention trailed off as they began to chat.


Soon enough, Feliciano was handing me my drink, and dragging me off again.

"Where are we going now?" I sighed.

"To see a show!"


We stopped in front of a small theatre, with a couple flyers out front, it wasn't too impressive. Feliciano dragged me inside before I had time to read what it was showing.

After getting our tickets, we took our seats in one of the middle rows.

After a bit of waiting, the house lights went down and the curtain began to rise on actors standing like beautifully carved statues.

The play began with all of the actors but two important looking ones and some extras walking offstage differently.

One that stayed began to speak.

"If music be the food of love, play on..."

"Do you know what play it is?" Feliciano whispered to me.
I shook my head, intrigued.


Though I know it must have lasted hours, the show was over far too quickly; The last song ringing in my ears like the thunderous applause it received.

"Do you know now?" He again asked me.

"No." I admitted.

"Twelfth Night! 'Alas, poor fool, how they have baffled thee!'" He laughed, twirling around.

For once I smiled at his antics as we walked out. "'And thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges.' "

We both laughed, hand in hand.

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