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"Jay...please." I mumble into my boyfriend of 5 years' shirt, clutching it tightly in my fists.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I love you so much. You know if I could say no I would, baby boy." He says into my hair, pressing his lips to the top of my head. A few more tears fall down my cheeks, his camouflage uniform top soaking them up as they fall onto it.

"Wells! We gotta go!" One of the members yelled, looking at the two boys with sadness.

"I love you, Alex. Stay strong while I'm gone, okay? I'll be home soon. I promise." He says, tightening his arms around my waist.

"No..please. Please don't leave me." I cry into his chest, a sob wracking my body.

"I have to, baby. Go wait with Cas, okay?" He says, referring to my sister standing in the corner, looking at us.
He pulls away, looking into my teary and red eyes.

"I love you so much." He whispers, ducking to kiss me, and pulling away a second after. He drops a kiss onto my head and walks over to the rest of the squad. He walks away, looking back at me one more time before passing through the gates and disappearing. I whisper a faint "i love you, too." Before dropping to the floor, body wracking sobs bursting through my body. I feel arms around me, but there's something wrong.

They're not his.

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