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When I walk into the house, the silence of the empty house washing over my body, sending a shiver throughout it. I toss my keys on the table by the door, toe off my shoes and throw my jacket onto the table. I shuffle my way up to the room, opening the door and looking around. It's the exact same as I left it. Covers undone, Jay's boxers hanging on the bedpost, my phone plugged in. It's all the same-except...he's not laying in his spot. The inside of the bed. He sleeps on that side because he knows sleeping on the inside makes me uncomfortable. I make my way over to the bed, sitting on the side and looking around. My eyes fall on a framed picture of Jay and I on our three year anniversary. We were sitting on the couch, and he was tickling my sides, making me laugh and start smacking him. Cas snapped the picture while we weren't looking, but it came to be one of my all time favorite picture. Tears start to prick at my eyes at the memory. Soon enough, tears start flowing freely down my face, the droplets of tears making small wet spots on my jeans. I take them off and plop myself down onto Jay's side, stuffing my face into his pillow and letting go. Soon enough my eyes start to droop, and for some reason, I don't remember anything after that.

I wake up, shooting up and panting. It takes me a minute to realize my surroundings. When I do, I glance over to my stack of paper and the star wars pen Jay got me as a gag gift and suddenly get an idea. I hoist myself up, walking over and plopping myself down onto the cushioned seat. I look down at the paper, pick up the pen, and start writing.

Dear Jay,
I miss your face, and it's only been a day. I miss you, a lot. Please come home safe. I don't think I could live if you didn't.

Forever Yours, Alex.

I sigh and look down at the paper. I fold it and put it in my lockbox. I'm still tired, so I decide to just go to sleep for the night, as it's 10:30pm. I cover myself up, cuddling Jay's pillow and breathing his scent in. Sometime before 11:04pm, I'm asleep, dreaming about nothing.

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