Chapter 1

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     Deanna checked the time on her watch for the umpteenth time, and let out a sigh pushing a stray strand of brown hair behind her ear. No matter how much she tried to convince Dean it was a bad idea to get Sam to help them he wouldn't listen. The two always had a certain bond that just didn't include her. It left a sour taste in her mouth knowing what Sam's return would means. She and Dean had grown close in the last four years; closer than the two had ever been. Growing up there was never much of a bond between them. They were twins; her being born a whole day after him. They didn't think she was going to survive in fact, but by some miracle she pulled through. She wasn't sure how, and she didn't like to question it. Perhaps she was meant to be a hunter. She had never really known anything else.

The sound of Dean's voice caught her attention, and she looked up watching as her brothers approached. It was a site she hadn't expected to see. Sam wasn't happy though she could tell by his mannerisms. Dean didn't look happy either, but Dean had taken Sam's leaving hard. It hadn't helped when Sam stopped returning calls.

"So what are you gonna do Sammy live some normal apple pie life? Is that it?" Dean sighed in frustration staring up at the taller Winchester.

Sam sighed and shook his head, "No not normal, Safe."

Dean turned his gaze to Deanna who was sitting quietly in the front seat watching the two argue. "And that's why you ran away?"

Sam's head fell and he reached up rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I was just going to college Dean. It was dad you said not to come back if I left, and that's what I am doing." His gaze fell upon Deanna who he hadn't noticed until that moment. The two stared at each other before she shook her head and turned her gaze out the opposite window.

Dean followed his gaze and sighed lowering his voice. "Dad's in real trouble I can feel it... if he's not dead already." He sighed, "I can't do this alone Sammy."

Sam shook his head pointing to Deanna, "You're not alone you got Ana."

Dean sighed grabbing Sam's arm and pulling him away from the car. "I'm not sure she's well Sam. She hasn't been acting right. The nightmares are back, and she's so pale all the time. Besides I don't want to do this without you."

Sam let out a heavy sigh and shook his head, "What was he hunting?"

Dean opened the trunk of the Impala along with the spare tire compartment to reveal and arsenal underneath. After propping the compartment open he began digging through the contents until he found what he needed. He proceeded to explain that he had worked on a voodoo thing in New Orléans with Deanna and that their father was working on a case in Jericho California.

Sam shook his head, "Wait Dad let you guys work a case on your own?"

Deanna choose that moment to come around the car giving Sam a strange look. Dean shook his head raising his eyebrows, "Dude we are twenty-six." Dean handed on of the papers to Sam. "They found his car but he vanished."

Sam let his eyes scan over the paper in his hands. It was an article form the Jericho Herald with the headline, "Centennial Highway Disappearance." The date read September 19th, 2005. A man's picture with the caption, "Andrew Carey Missing" was situated on the paper. Sam glanced up to look from Dean to Deanna, "So maybe he was kidnapped."

Dean rolled his eyes tossing several more articles down; One from April, December 04, 03, 98, 92. In all there had been ten of them in the past twenty years. Dean took the article back from Sam and picked the stack up and slide them into a folder. Dean explained they had all been men and had all disappeared on the same five-mile stretch of road. When the disappearances began to happen more frequently their father had decided to go check it out. That had been three weeks ago and there had been no sign of him until Dean had gotten a voicemail. It had come yesterday and Dean had recorded it. He took a silver tape recorder out and pressed play.

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