Alexander.. James

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this was odd, this new After a few minutes we all sat down next to a 'log' and we had'fire' . They talked about who they where. There purpose. And everything. I see Alex over by a 'flower stem' in a 'fabric tent'. I seemed to be the only one to check my seat everytime I sat down. I was paranoid that another spider would come waltin' up to ma butt and say "mmmmmmMMMMMmmmMm" "butt blood". And bite. Even though I knew it was just stupid. "so Alyssa.. Now that ash and I have talked about stuff.. How about you talk about yourself? You look like you have alot to talk about!" Syd sounded so enthusiastic. Like he's had a perfect life, and hasn't hurt a fly. "well.. You could say that.. I .. Dont know.. My book was burned when I was sent here. Obviously not just losing my book" my eyes wander down to my arm. Just them a wearing pain comes through my head again.

"ALYSSA!!!??" "WHERE ARE YOU ALYSSA?!?!" people with masks. And flames base my feet. I look up and see masked men take ahold of a little boy with dirty blonde hair. Dropping a dog plush. The flames then engulfed my vision and I went dark.

"alyssa. . You know Syd cares about you alot.." I woke up to astion holding my hand with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. I didnt want to ruin his "manliness" and kept still with my eyes "closed". And he got up sniffiling and whiped his eyes."she's okay.. Just... Nevermind.." He walked to a tent and closed it after going in."night ash!" "night Syd.." I see a shadow apeer in front the tent. Then I opened. "hey Alyssa.. I just wanted to say good night before night comes fully." He them looks at my hand. And unravles the pedal.he looks at my hand in terror. "hey Alyssa?" "..yeah?" He jumped a bit, but still looked at my hand in terror. "what was this?" "..Just a bug bite!" I smiled at him reassuringly. He looked me in the eyes and smiled slightly sence he took the bandana off."ill believe you for now . Tmrw you have to tell me what Bug did this!" He smiled at me.

(never expect this!)

Alex pov!

I sat leaned in my tent. My head hurt. Alot.

I look up and see a girl with short brown hair and a famillier face, spas then pass out. She was then taken in the tent by astion. Never seen him tho emotional before.

I get up and grab some left over metal, stem parts and other durable plants and got to work.

ash pov

o god. I cant cry. Not over a human. Not after the promise I made.. Not yet.

hey guys!!.. Or... Person! I think only five people are reading this story.. Oh.. Well. Its weird having blue hair, that for sure. Well cya latah losers! Kuz obviously u have no like if you're reading this fanfic!!... -3-

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