What a person can hide'

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Like a wolf in the woods looking for some food won't bring the viciousness that is inside of him without the motivation of seeing the prey sneaking among the trees running of the
bloody ending perceived it has no control above , and imperfection that is inside of people that actually is above all drove me to see something-That's why we are suffering of hating and mocking of those who said the truth-Tightening the ropes of the knot on these nooses .And imperfection makes more sense than perfection because it's the only true thing we know about the context of the human ,even though there are too many artists ,religious outranked us .And perfection is a unique description only God can have which we are probably not .And the example above is just a lesson that I've been taught through these years ;The lesson that says 'I am the wolf and I am the prey' because we are the hunters who wait for the slippery of the prey to onslaught on the friends we once told that we can have their backs .And now we are the prey cause none of us had not been cheated on .But in this cycle at an altar to alter the empire of imperfection you can't be like a blind sheep .

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