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War is well known. But what most people don't know is that the most known began even before 2013. Most people know isis when they came in the news some people when there were pics all over social media I myself have known it since a couple years ago. I think it's unacceptable that people started caring about isis when those little boys washed up at a tourist beach there were pics from the boys all over social media people were saying stuff like o look at those poor boys who did this and R.I.P. But did they really rest in peace those boys were about 7 years old their parents were dead kids younger than them were already dead in syria.

It's only becoming worse everyday with isis there was a shooting in paris brussel ankara and other city's but what disturbs me most is that we had a minute silence for paris but not for the other city's. They have young kids who look up to them there joining isis it's terrible to even think of it. We have camps and all but that won't help were i live there is this politian called geerd wilders i hate him with all my heart because he says that in the netherlands we need to close up the camps and let nobody in. He also said that they only come for jobs and money well I'm here to prove him wrong.

When i was in this school for a project it was in december they had Christmas trees and every kid had a paper star to put there wish on it. cute right ? But it's not i saw a couple of wishes with on them i want to go back to syria, i miss my family and other wishes like that it honestly broke my heart my friend and i asked one of the teachers if we could talk to these kids and when we talked to them i was listening to their stories they said I actually never wanted to come here i cried because of what they said.

Give me your opinion in the comments down below if it broke your heart liks it did with mine here's a hug 🙏🏼✌🏾️

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