project one, two, three

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As Mini led me to our next class which we had together- ugh Citizenship- she explained to me how she'd come to join the debating society.

"As you may have guessed from our second names Caleb and me are twins, so when our schools merged he asked me to join to bring a bit of sanity to the group! Fawkes is the inspiration, Amar's the brains, and Caleb's the brawn, but for what we want to do this year we're going to need some more members. Do you have any reliable friends you could invite? To be honest I feel a little left out as the only girl at the moment."

My mind instantly flicked to Sam; she's just the sort of person who would love something like this, but looking at the state of our friendship at the moment I didn't know how that could work.

Mentally I make a vow to myself to make things up to Sam tomorrow. She was right that I had known her longer that Ky and I know that I should have been more considerate to her feelings, even if she was never outwardly very sensitive.

"Yeah I have a few ideas, I'll have to ask them first though."

"Of course."

"Hey why do you and Caleb hate Leo so much?"

"Well, you may or may not know that Matt, Nate and Leo are all on the football team; Nate's the best- the star quarterback, Matt's a good tackle, but Leo, Leo only got on the team because he's two of the top player's best friend. He took Caleb's spot, even though he's basically useless and Caleb's dedicated his life to football since he started high school. Seeing as I hate both injustice and anybody hurting Caleb Leo is my main reason behind wanting to take down the Kings. To be honest I think everyone has a personal vendetta against at least one of them."

"I don't. I just think they should be taken down a peg or five."

"Well maybe you just haven't discovered yours yet."


I lay, hair sprawled across the desk, in the most hideously tedious citizenship lesson ever to grace a classroom, biting my flat nails and staring at Angel; Angel being the most hideously tedious girl to grace this earth. Yet (unlike the teacher) she maintained a constant following of gormless minions paying close attention to every utterly stupid and utterly popular word that came out of her mouth, and gormless boys paying close attention to her straining top and Nicki worthy butt.

Jealous? Me?

I started paying attention when the teacher walked towards the door and ushered a man and woman into the room.

"So I'll hand it over to you to then." My teacher says holding an arm out to the visitors and slumping into her chair to get back to what she really wanted to do all along- online shopping.

"Hiya guys! I'm Melanie Bridges but you can call me Mel! Or Mrs M!" She laughed hysterically. "And this is..."

The man rolls his eyes and she nudges him sharply in the side.

"Drew Bridges. The man unlucky enough to call himself her husband." He says with a straight face.

Mel laughs hysterically again as the class remains deadly silent.

"Who are these people?" Bea whispers next to me and I shrug my shoulders in response. Mel seemed a little bit crazy to be in a school.

Mel continues "We're here with all you cool kidz today to talk about a wicked new idea we have to get you involved in the community!"

"If I'm gonna have to scrub some old dudes feet in a nursing home then I'm out" Matt called from the back.

"Aww Matt but you might finally get some action from one of the old birds who can't see your face properly." Jo shouts, earning a shove from Matt and a wave of titters through the class.

The most ridiculous thing was that there were already rumors that he'd slept with at least three of the girls in this room.

Mel ignored them and continued "We'd like to introduce to you Project One, Two, Three! Drew will explain to you what it's all about!"

"Basically in your pairs you will have to do one thing for the environment, visit two places in the area you've never been to, and try three things you've never done before- one for each of you, and then one neither of you have done."

"Drew try to be a little more upbeat: you make it sound like a list of chores, when this is going to be the best bonding experience of their lifetimes!"

Drew didn't look like he was going to start smiling anytime soon.

As my usual teacher walks around the class giving out slips of paper with details of the project and the names of our partner on the top, and Mrs Isn't-everything-fantastic and Mr I'd-rather-be-dead-than-have-to-stand-here-talking-to-you drone on, oblivious, my eyes drift back to Angel. I see Matt staring at her too, in a different way though. Bea snorts next to me, looking in the same direction, full of contempt.

"God, why does he have to be so obvious- ogling her like she's some sort of supermodel? Just because she has assets, my goldfish could carry a more stimulating conversation!"

"Well yeah, but Matt's not exactly the brightest button in the box himself, is he?" Mini replied

"Well I wouldn't know, I've never had the pleasure of talking to him." Bea said

I look down at my unfurled paper.

"Well I guess me and him are about to have to spend at lot more time together."

As I look up mine and Matt's eyes lock, one corner of his mouth twisted up into a smirk.


Well, well, well this sounds interesting don't you think? More about project one, two, three and a closer look at Matt in the coming chapters! If you liked any part of it have a quick vote and comment. I promise you, though it may mean hardly anything to you, it means so much to me! And read on there is MUCH more to come.

Is project one, two, three going to be good or bad for Kat? What about her pairing with Matt? What is it going to be like when Kat and Matt are forced to work together? Comment opinions ;)

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