New Home, New Life

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This might be my 15th time I had to move schools or move in general. My mom has a job that pays her well but makes us move like four times a year. Moving makes it hard for my sister and I to make friends. Isn't that everyone though? I hate the way people stare at you like if you're a different species. I hate the way the teachers are. I hate that they think they know you. I hate school.

There's another reason why we move a lot, it's very personal. The other reason is because my dad had went all crazy with the drugs he had took. He's a drug addict. Since he went all crazy, he threatened us with death upon us. We've been running from him since I was 6 years old. He's been finding us everytime we move. My mom applied to a job that actually allowed and helped her move a lot. That job lets us have the most rarest places to live at so he won't suspect a thing.

Anyways, at this moment we are living in Fresno, in the suburbs. It's very quiet and scary if you ask me. It's mysterious, I don't know. Since we just moved in we had to unpack everything.

"Mom, where's my box with all my clothing?" My sister, Eva, asks.
"It's upstairs in your room along with your other stuff." My mom yelled from the kitchen.

I, on the other had headed up to my new room. It was a queen sized bedroom with a wide window. I had my own restroom and closet. I unpacked everything because I don't want to do it tomorrow. Once I was finished I went downstairs and helped out my mom out setting the TV.

"Madison!" My sister yelled from upstairs.
"Can you help me out here?"
"I'm kind of busy."
"Go, I got this." My mom said.
"You sure?"
"Ok." I said as I headed upstairs.

"Hey, Mads."
"What's up?"
"You're actually going to school tomorrow?"
"Duh. I mean I don't want to but, why?" I said suspecting something.
"I'm just curious. I just don't want to go. I have to face new people and it's so hard to make friends."
"Of course It's hard. We have to deal with it no matter what. I'll stick with you."
"Okay. Now help me out with this." She said as she points to her messy bed full of clothes.

3 hours later. We are done unpacking and now watching a movie.
"Mom I'm going to sleep now. What time should I wake up for school?" I ask her before I head up to my room.
"6:45 am. Good night."
"Okay, Good night."
I changed into my pajamas and plopped onto my bed. I put my alarm and just fell asleep.

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