Chapter 3

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Selena's POV

I woke up early the next morning, still feeling bad about what happened with Justin. So, I decided to go out and search for a job for him. I took a train to Dallas and started my research. After a few hours, Emma called me and asked where I was. Not wanting her to worry too much, I lied, telling her I was at Justin's. Thankfully, she believed it and hung up.

After what felt like six hours, I found a job. I didn't know how Justin would react, but I wanted to do something good to make up for what I ruined yesterday. It was just a job where he would have to bring coffee, but it was better than nothing.

I decided to tell him the news. Unfortunately, I was on the other side of the town, so it took me another two hours to get back. When I arrived at Emma's, Eva, Justin, and Em stood in the house with angry faces—clearly, they knew I lied.

"Why did you lie to me?" Emma asked.

"I didn't want you to worry too much, just as you're doing right now," I answered.

"Oh, and do you think that by saying this we would be relieved? Knowing that you lied?" Eva was angry with me. "Now tell us where have you been all this time, Selena?" she demanded.

"I-I-I was..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

"She was out looking for a new job for me," Justin said, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"How would you know this when I just ended this up?" I stood there in shock. Was he following me? This is so weird.

"They called me, telling me about the schedule. Why did you do this? It's two hours away, and I wouldn't earn that much. I also would have to pay the tickets for the drive there," Justin said.

"I know, but they said they would pay it for you. I'm sorry. I thought I..." I stuttered in my words, lowering my head and feeling ashamed that I didn't make it right.

"Thank you!" he gave me a warm smile, and I gave it back.

For the next few days, we couldn't see Justin too often because of his new job. He was away for the entire day and only came back when he was done. But he promised to come with us on Saturday to the movies.

On Saturday

We stood in front of the movies, waiting for Justin to come. But he didn't. I was really disappointed in him. We waited for an hour, then everyone went inside to watch the movie. But I decided to keep waiting, maybe he could be late. I waited for another hour, then I decided to go to Justin's to see if there was anything wrong.

I knocked on the door, and nothing. I kept knocking for almost 10 minutes and again... Nothing happened. I started to get worried like crazy. I decided to wait; maybe he wasn't home. I sat down by the door, put my head between my hands, and suddenly, I started crying, not knowing the reason why. I think I'm just emotional by now.

"Selena?" someone spoke, and I could tell who it was just by hearing his voice. It was Justin.

I quickly wiped my tears away before he could ask about it. I didn't want him to worry, and I didn't even know the reason why I was crying.

"What are you doing here?" he suddenly asked me a little harshly. Maybe he had a hard day at work.

"You didn't come to the movies, so I thought there must be a reason why you didn't. So I came here to find that out."

"And why were you crying?" he asked, worry filling his eyes.

"Oh... You saw that?" I asked, feeling a little embarrassed about it. "I was so worried, Justin. I thought something bad had happened to you or..."

"Wow, is this serious?" he asked, cutting me off and amazed. When I nodded, he just said, "that's so cute of you."

Like always, I blushed and tried to hide my face, making a curtain with my hair.

Justin's POV

I saw that she was blushing, and then she smiled. She was so cute, putting her hair to hide her blush.

"So... what happened to you?" she asked, still smiling.

"I was working. I actually wanted to text you, but I had forgotten my phone at work yesterday, so today it had no battery. I'm sorry," I told her truthfully.

"It's okay," she replied, but I saw the disappointment in her face, so I had to do something about that.

"Are you going somewhere tomorrow?" I asked her hopefully.

"No," she answered, but it sounded more like a question.

"Great, then I'll pick you up at 1 pm," I said. Suddenly, she smiled.

"Okay, what are we gonna do?" she asked, really excited about this whole thing.

"Well... I guess you will find out later. Let's keep it as a surprise for now on," I told her and winked at her.

She started laughing at the way I was acting. I laughed with her because since I'm really shy, this isn't really the way I acted toward girls. But I just felt so comfortable with her.

Damn, her laugh is so amazingly beautiful. I just kept enjoying this moment until I remembered it was late at night.

"Well, I have to go inside," I broke the silence that was starting to come between us.

"Can I go with you? I've never been into your house before," she asked with puppy eyes. Damn, I can tell you that's really hard to say no to her like that. But I needed to.

"I know, but I'm sorry. My mom is sleeping, and she needs to rest. But I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful," I winked again.

Oh gosh, why was I acting like that today? Did I really say that? I'm so stupid. But she smiled and said goodbye in such a cute voice. I don't know, but I have the feeling that I'm gonna fall hard for this girl.

She doesn't really care about what other people think about her, like at the party. I love that in her because other girls could never show this side of them.

She's so different and special in a very good way. But I really don't know how to tell her what I feel about her. I have no experience in that. I've never had a girlfriend because of all the trouble with my mom.

There was seriously no girl I dated that understood me, and maybe Sel is the first one who does.

I was still daydreaming when I heard a loud bang. I got frightened. I turned around and saw a fallen glass of water.

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