Chapter of Bacteria Part 5

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Patient Zero's POV

I woke up to a bright light shining in my face. W-Where am I? Why am I on a hospital bed? "Ah, you're awake." I looked over to my left since I was too weak to sit up, to find a girl who looked like she was no older than 15 years old with short magenta hair, pale skin, and green eyes. She was wearing a hazmat suit, so I couldn't see what she was wearing. I'M NOT A PERVERT I SWEAR!!!! "W-who are you...?" I croaked, my body getting weaker as it tries to fight the bacteria. "My name is Starla. I'm a friend of Sp- I mean, Antonio." "How do you know his name?" I tried sitting up, but I felt my body cramp up with pain worse than a bee sting. "W-Why...?" "We needed some way to get a sample of the bacteria that's currently infecting other countries. We put you on quarantine so that you wouldn't spread the disease any further. You need to rest. Don't worry, we already got a sample of the illness when you were having a coughing fit." I nodded my head, and slowly fall back onto the bed. I couldn't believe Antonio just up and attacked his own people with a bacteria. How could he do this to us? The whole world was in danger, and here I am, lying here, waiting for death to take hold. At least it hasn't mutated yet. The bacteria lasts much longer than any illness that's caused by a bacteria, and so far, it's resistant to grades 1 and 2 antibiotics, at least for the rich countries. I closed my eyes so I could sleep. I'm going to need a lot of rest if my body were to produce antibodies to fight the bacteria...

Hungary's POV

"Galactica, are you sure about this? From what you said about your brother telling not to do things without his permission, I have a feeling he'll find out!" I stood there, still in a hazmat suit, worried about what England would say if he found out about this. Galactica smiled at me, and told me that the cure making process would take only a few months, if the plague didn't evolve so quickly. Right now, the plague has spread out through all of the Asian country due to it evolving to be spread by birds. But one question has emerged: how is this plague able to infect people in such a short span of time? I watched as Galactica placed in the potion...stuff, and then the bacteria cultures. She then said something in some strange language, and the cauldron started to glow. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the front door, and told Galactica that I would be right be back. I figured she  needed some space so she could focus on working on the cure. She merely said, "Okay." I ran up the basement stairs, through the living room, and opened the front door only to find 5 men, each from one different country, in white coats standing there. "Good afternoon ma'am. Is this the residence of a..." He looked at the clipboard so he could read the name on it. "Starla Evans?" Evans? Isn't England's last name Kirkland? Then again, Mr. America's and Canada's last names are different. I nodded, and said, "Yes, but she's busy working on a cure for the plague that's been going around lately." One of the scientists, he was from Italy mind you, nodded, and asked if they could come inside. Galactica was going to kill me, but then again, these men were most likely allies. So, I let them in, but I told them to stay away from the basement for a while, seeing that Galactica was going to be a little closed off for a while. There was a small explosion that pretty flew the basement door off it's hinges. We looked at the now open basement, Galactica peeping from the doorway covered in soot, smiling nervously. "Hehe... Guess I shouldn't have used gunpowder." "Gunpowder?" The scientist from Germany looked at her in utter disbelief. What on earth did England teach her about alchemy. "Ahem, if you don't mind, we would like to ask you some questions." "Of course. I'll be really busy, but I still have time." She motioned us to walk into the basement, but truthfully, I'm a little scared to look at the damage that must've happened after the explosion. I followed the scientists to the basement, a bunch of questions began to emerge. Will there be enough of the potion to be able to cure everyone AND Spain? What if the potion is lethal? What did Galactica mean by a few months anyways?


"Well, thank you for letting us help you with this tedious process." The American scientist said, as I kept an eye on the huge cauldron of brownish green potion. "Anytime. With help from your research notes and my brother's magic, there's a good chance we can track the plague's evolution and hopefully lower the time that it will take for the potion to be finished." I saw Galactica smile her sweet smile, and told the scientists to call her if things took a turn for the worst about Patient Zero. With that being said, they left. I looked over at Galactica, who was... frowning? "Hey." She looked at me, but she looked tired. It was kind of late after all. "We're going to get through this together." All Galactica did was nod, and went back to working on the potion. "In order for the cure to be stable, it has to be a light blue color. Hopefully, I'll have enough ingredients for every cure for every single plague. I just have to follow the research notes and the instructions in the Bacteria Book..." Her voice trailed off, that's when I started to worry about her. "Are you okay?" I gasped. "You're not getting sick, are you?!" She shook her head, and told me that sometimes whenever she has a panic attack or a meltdown, she gets tired out and that pretty much causes her to fall asleep before midnight. I sighed in relief, and said, "Well, I'm going to make sure that the others are doing---" Suddenly, Italy came down stairs, well, actually tumbled down the stairs. His skin was paler than usual. "Italy!" I ran to him, but he  held up his hand, telling me to stop. "I-I'm infected..." Galactica gasped, and helped Italy up, despite him protesting. "My home country..." He coughed, but there was also a little blood. "Has been infected... Despite there being antibiotics on hand..." I looked at Galactica, worried about Italy. Galactica took a shaky breath and said, "I'm sorry, but he needs to be quarantined until we can find a cure..." I gasped, but if Italy was infected, then so was...

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