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What are your first thoughts when you see an obese person?

Do you pity them? Feel disgusted by them? Hate them for endangering their health? What's the first thought or feeling that goes through you when you catch sight of them? 

If it's either one of these things, then you're in the wrong. You should't feel anything. Just as you see any person and think nothing of it, you should do the same to these obese or slightly over-weight people. Because you don't know them, their story, or what they've been through to become this way. Maybe it's just how they are from since they were born. Or maybe they have a hormonal disorder that made them the way they are. Maybe they need a specific kind of medicine that treats their illness but has a side effect which is why they're over-weight. There are endless possibilities as to why they're like that. Put yourself in their shoes first, before judging them. How would you feel if someone gave you a nasty look, a disgusted one, or a pity filled one? Wouldn't you hate it? Make you feel that way no matter how much confidence you have. How would you feel if the people who are close to you, who you love, asked you every time they saw you "when will you start your diet, or when will you lose weight?"? Even if their intention was only for your health's safety, it will make you feel as if there's something wrong with you.

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