Chapter 4: Nightmares Coming True

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When I woke up in Springtrap's arms my first thought was: 'is this a dream?' when Springtrap wakes up we walk out of the cove, hand in hand, now I know that this isnt a dream. Its reality. A horrible horrible reality. I walk into the kitchen to get a drink when the door shuts close and is locked.
"HeLlO fOxY!" Ffion says smiling.
"W-what... What do you want?" I cry in fear.
"Im a gHoSt so my goul is to TaKe OvEr A bOdY!" Ffion says smiling. "NoW gIvE mE yOuR hEaRt!" Ffion demands.
"N-No! S-Stay away f-from me!" I plea but Ffion makes the glowing red heart appear again. I start trembling from fear.
"No one will help you because no one CaRes for you." Ffion laughs.
"SPRINGTRAP HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE... help..." My voice slowly fades as I give up all hope and I just give up. Ffion laughs and takes my heart as the door swings open. Springtrap stands outside of it staring at Ffion.
"Ffion what are you doing!?" Springtrap growls noticing my heart. He walks up to Ffion and Springtrap grabs Ffions' arm making him let go of my heart. The heart floats back to me.
"LeT gO oF mE!" Ffionn growls.
"Make me." Springtrap says smiling looking kind of insane.
"OkAy!" Ffion says making the whole room grow dark with shadows. I cant see the fight to I just sit in a corner thinking about helping but I'm to afraid. I sit there feeling hopeless then I see Shaf and Shab walk toward me. This makes me tremble even harder and I close my eyes. I feel a sharp pain on the side of my head and when I open my eyes all I see is red, I can kind of see a glimps of Springtrap infront of me. He goes in and out of focus and soon the world around me starts spinning. Soon it all turns to black.

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