Chapter 5: Just Gold

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When I wake up my head starts throbbing. I feel a white cloth wrapped around my head. What did Shaf and Shab do to me? What did Ffion do to me? How did I end up in Fazbears Fright? Why? Why? Why? I shiver because of how cold the place is. I can see my own breath. Where is Springtrap? Where is anyone? I hear voices. Muffled voices, iys like hearing them from far away. Then pictures arise from in my mind. A picture of me and Springbonnie then a picture of Springtrap and me. Now a picture of Ffion with my heart. Then that white creature I saw in my dream. I cant tell which ones are real and which ones are just dreams. Soon I hear a voice, more clearly but still kind of muffled.
"Can you hear me?" Was all I heard.
"Your broken..."
"We are still your friends. Do you still believe that?"
"I'm still here."
"I will put you back together."
Soon I blink and my eyes snap back into focus. Those voixes were just apart of my imagination. A golden bear stared into my eyes calling out my name.
"Foxy! FOXY!" he calls.
"s-sorry... I-I..." I say as he goes in and out of focus.
"Its ok Foxy. Springtrap brought you here for some reason someone hit you with a..." He looks up at Springtrap and Spring shakes his head 'no'
"A... Thing... And you were bleeding (do not comment: BUT ANIMATRONICS DONT BLEED! IK OK PPL I GET THOSE COMMENTS ALL THE FRICKING TIME SO DONT OR YOUR COMMENT WILL BE IGNORED!!!!)..." The golden bear explains.
"What was I hit with? D-Dont hide anything from me! I want to know!" I say.
"YOU WERE HIT WITH A KNIFE!" Spring yells.
"I..." I say. I have never seen Spring so frustrated before that he had to yell.
"Spring, calm down!" the golden bear says.
"Golden Freddy I brought you here to help him. Not to tell me to calm down! Now shut the f*** up and help him!" Spring growls deeply.
"Fine." Golden Freddy says sitting down next to me. I look up at Spring. He looks really mad. Which really scares me.
"I am going to remove this from ypur head so I can stitch it together ok?" Golden asks me. My eyes widen.
"S-Stitch? W-Wouldn't t-that hurt?" I ask trembling.
"Dont worry. It wont hurt..." Golden says taking off the cloth. Spring was watching. He has changed from happy to a stressed and unhappy in the matter of hours.

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