Chapter 15: Don't worry, you're beautiful. (:

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Life has its ups and downs, then you have those people, who, I don't know, wanna take over you, make you become what they want of you, they'll tell you, your not beautiful, they'll tell you, your life isn't worth living. I hate people like that, every day on Twitter I have kids, adults, telling me those things, I get letters from my father in prison, somehow, he's telling me he's going to find me, and kill me. I'm not trying to let that hold me back, it's working great, I actually have people to turn to, people who care. People who want to see me live. People who want to see me succeed in life, the people who I love the most...

-Ricky's POV-

Mora and I have been growing stronger as a couple and we have 6 months till our wedding, Mora and I are thinking about having kids I think 5 months or so into our marriage. I'm actually pretty pumped about our marriage and the thought of kids. I love Mora oh so much. She brightens my day in so many ways. I'm glad to have her.

"Babesssssssss" She whined. She'!!!!!!

"Yes buttercup?" I asked pulling her to me. "Me hungryyyyyyyyyyyyy." She giggled. Her giggle. "Make me food pwease." She bit my nose! "YOU BIT MEH NOSE! WHY YOU GOTTA BITE MEH NOSE FOR ?!"

"I don't know, I'm hungry." She sounded like a 5 year old, but it was cute.

"Well, guess what." I poked her tummy and ran down the stairs.


"The third!" I reminded her laughing. She just growled at me. Yes...growled children, growled. I made my way to the kitchen pulling out the lunch I had already made for us, which is pizza rolls, I was to lazy to cook anything else.....gosh...don't judge....

She came running in and slid, busting her ass on the floor.

"MOTHER OF GOD MY ASSSSSSS RICKYYYYYY MY ASSSSSSSS!!! IT HURTSSSSSSS" She screamed. I laughed. "Want me to kiss it to make it better?" I asked trying not to choke on my food. "No! Gosh, that's like being a butt muncher! Jesus, you're already a boob muncher....we don't need a butt muncher..." I tilted my head in confusion wondering when I bit her boob. "In your sleep, you bit my a bitch...I was hurt...boob muncher..." I just stared at her, then I started laughing. I bit her boob in my sleep!!!!!!! That's hilarious! But not as hilarious as when Balz screamed that he doesn't make the magic, he is the magic. Bahahaha.

-Mora's POV-

Life is great. I have the best fiance a girl could ask for. He's so sweet. I can't believe I have him. I'm so lucky. Oh, I'm not the only one getting married by the way, Rebecca is too, and I'm her maid of honor! Yay! Then Liz and a couple of her other friends are the brides maids. Doop, I'm special. cx

After I ate, I went upstairs to take a shower, followed by Ricky, who apparently wanted a shower with me.

-Rebecca's POV-

Rylan is now 4 months old (sorry, not really keeping count...) She's so adorable, Ryan says he never wants to leave her again. They both have a strong bond, Mora & Liz both spoil her, along with my parents. They all love her so much. She's so unique and everything. My wedding is in 3 months, Ryan proposed to me 3 months ago. It was so sweet, and also very cool.

It happened while we were out on the river. Fa la la la la, in Ryan landddddd.

************Welp, hope you liked this chapter, um, I couldn't think of how I wanted Ryan's proposal to be, but I might think of it come time for their wedding and make it a flashback. Also, the beginning of this chapter was awfully peopleeeeee .-.

I'm scared...these past few nights have been creepy.... I did research on slender man, watched a slender man movie, then had a dream about slender, there is a kidnapper where I live...oh great...frickin...great.... what a way to ease my nerves. also, if anything slender or creepy related things happen this week, besides the slender man asylum thing I might be going to... consider me...dead...or scared for my life..... yeah...okay...bye..... .-.

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