Chapter 18: Beautiful wedding <3

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-Rebecca's POV-

Welp, today's my wedding, today I officially become Mrs. Sitkowski. Yay!

Mora, Liz, Ash, Jenna, and Emily are in our little dressing room thing getting ready.

My dress is white with a turquoise ribbon around it. And the girl's dresses are black with turquoise ribbon around it. The whole wedding is turquoise and black.

(Basically the wedding instead of an m its an s obvi: M%3oh and btw since I've never been to a wedding I'm going to skip that part sorry /.\)


-Mora's POV-

Rebecca's wedding was so pretty. I loved the colors, and gurl, was it interesting. Ryan and Rebecca kinda stood there awkwardly and everythang, (meant to spell it that way) then they said their little vow thingys and bam they kissed and now can live happily ever after. Such a cute couple.

"Hey, hey Mora...Mora...Moraaaa!!!!" Ricky is pokin meh face! I swear next time he pokes me I'm biting his finger!

"Moraaaaaaaaa" I bit his finger and watched him yelp in pain.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR POKING MY FACE YOU ASS CANOE!!!" I yelled laughing. Ass canoe. Bahaha I gotta use that. He pouted and I kissed his cheek.

"Chill yo titties gurl, you'll be fine!" I laughed. He stared at me then smiled an evil looking smile...oh shit...what did I get myself into...

-Ricky's POV-

Bahahaha. I started tickling Mora and she was kicking, screaming, laughing, and on the verge of tears. Happy tears, not sad tears.

"Ricky....please......stop....I'm.....dying....stoppppp!!!!" She said between laughs.

"NEVERRRRRRR" I continued tickling her and laughed. I stopped when she accidentally kicked me in the stomach and I fell to the floor.

"Man down...." I groaned. Ow... "RICKY!!! I'M SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY PLEASE TELL ME YOUR OKAY I DIDN'T MEAN TO!!" Mora ran beside me. "Oh yes totally, just my stomach hurts and I've learned my lesson not to tickle you..." I trailed off. She kissed my cheek and I sat up on my elbows.

"I'm still sorry." She replied.

"It's all good." I pecked her lips, got up, picked her up and carried her to our bedroom.

I set her down on the bed, and got in beside her. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled the blankets up, turned the TV on, and put on a movie.

Mora put her head on my shoulder, and I rested my head on hers.

"WE ARE ALL ALONE! PARALYZED BY MY ENVY OF THE NIGHT, I AM LOST WITHOUT YOU HERE!" Seriously...Really had to call and ruin our moment. The only way I know that's Rebecca is because her ringtone...thanks Rebecca!

-Mora's POV-

Seriously Rebecca...

I groaned and got up to answer my phone.

(Bold=Mora & Italics=Rebecca)



What did I doooooooo

Nothing! I just need your help with something!

This late?

Yes god dammit!

Uhhhhh fineeee be there in a minuteeeeee

Yay! Your a lifesaver!!!

Yeah yeah you owe me bye.

I hung up, wtf what could she need me for this late?

"Hey babe, I gotta head over to the S household, apparently Rebecca has a problem. Wanna come with?" I asked pulling on a jacket. He groaned, "Grrrr...sure..."

"I know I know she ruined our snuggle time, but chillllllll!" I kissed his nose.

We drove to Rebecca's to find her and Ryan standing outside. I got out and walked over to them.

"You're locked out aren't you?" The two idiots nodded.

"Retards... where's your keys and where's Rylan?" I asked noticing Rylan wasn't there.

"Wellll our keys are locked inside the house and Rylan is at my mom's." Ryan replied scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay, lemme go grab my keys." I walked back to the car, grabbed my car keys and walked up to them pulling out their house key from the millions of keys. I unlocked their door and they ran in saying thanks.

I walked back to the car and went home.

When we got home we stripped off our shoes and jackets racing up the stairs and jumping in bed. It was cold dammit! When we got in bed we cuddled and continued watching our movie. It was a horror movie, but not such a scary horror movie. So I was okay with it.

I fell asleep listening to Ricky's heartbeat sometime during the movie, and dreamed of our wedding day. Purple and blue...PRETTY COLORS!

***************I updated! Yeah. It sucks /.\ sowwyyyyyyyy short too, I know.... /.\

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