The next morning

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I wake up the next morning in an empty bed naturally I get up and get dressed. I decide to wear black shorts and a red tank top. Finally I leave and go into the kitchen where I see Uriah making dauntless cake...of course. Then I say "dauntless cake for breakfast really." he replies with "yeah what's wrong with dessert for breakfast?" I roll my eyes and ask if I can take a shower of course he didn't care. Once I'm done with my shower I go and sit down with Uriah and eat a bunch of cake. "That was amazing" Uriah exclaimed "i know right" I said. After I was done eating I went to the pit to find Lynn and to my surprise I found her shopping. "Hey what brings you around here you never shop" I say "well I needed something new to wear. Are you ok after what happened with four and Christina" She asked "that's already gotten around and I'm not doing very well all of my stuff is still at Fours and I have no way of getting it" I responded "I can get Zeke to distract him so we can sneak in and box up you're stuff" Lynn said "That would be great but we are gonna need some help all of my stuff is there" I said "we can get Uriah and Shawna to help" Lynn said like it was so obvious. "Okay let's do this"


Lynn got Zeke to distract Tobias so her Uriah shawna and I could get my stuff out of Tobias's place. After a little bit we have everything boxed but where was I going to put all of it... WHERE AM I GOING TO LIVE!! "Guys where am I going to live I have no place to go" I yell "you can come live with me until Eric is able to find you an open apartment" Uriah says " oh my god thank you Uriah" I say and then give him the longest hug ever. Well looks like I'm living with Uriah now.

4+6=10Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora