Chapter Two - Snowy Scarlet

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'Hold!' I snarled at Thanatos as he reared up and lashed out at Gwyn with his skeletal black forelegs, his midnight-coloured mane splashing against the dusk sky like a wave of ink.

'I see your personality has only fuelled the creature's temper, Kieran,' Gwyn commented dryly, standing his ground even as Thanatos landed with an earthshaking thump and attempted to snap at his face.

'Thanatos is not merely a creature, but the most magnificent stallion on this damned world!' I snapped, before taking a deep breath and returning Gwyn's glare. 'What is it require of me, Gwyn?' I asked him shortly, my voice devoid of emotion. 'Ask it or leave me in peace.'

I had had a long day, and I was not eager to hear any more of Gwyn's advice on my dealings with the others in the Wild Hunt. Although he kept me from any harm caused by members of the Wild Hunt, I was certain that he only did it because of my previous position on the Unseelie Court, and because he was afraid of my father's reprimands if bad fortune befell my royal soul.

But I wished to be myself for a day, without the scornful glances from my fellow Hunters, or Gwyn's pitiful gaze and continual pestering to converse with the riders of the Wild Hunt. Perhaps observe Mark Blackthorn's pale white-gold ringlets, his innocent blue green eyes and his beautiful, delicate body...

'...Mark Blackthorn,' Gwyn was saying as I turned my attention back on him, and Thanatos' impatient tugs on the leather bridle that left burns on my palms.

'Mark?' I repeated blankly.

Gwyn sighed and gave me an irritated gaze an exasperated parent would give a bored child. The flames of anger licked at my heart. 'Kieran, I asked you to give this mare to Mark Blackthorn.'

My eyes flickered to the silver mare Gwyn brought forward. She was the most spirited mount I had ever seen, bucking and kicking and trying with everything she had to restrain Gwyn's tether to her. 'Very well,' I breathed, transfixed by her fierce prancing.

Gwyn handed me the rope, and I gently pulled her towards me. Thanatos snorted and nuzzled the grey mare, which seemed to calm her enormously. I smiled and left the two horses grazing for grass under the ice side by side.

There was a commotion in a nearby snow blanketed field. Gwyn glanced over and turned to me. 'Will you resolve it? I have more important matters to see to.'

I glared at him, but inclined my head with grudging obedience. Gwyn sauntered away and I began trudging through the snow towards the group. By the time I reached the field, the group had dissolved, leaving only a crippled, body spreading scarlet into the snow. Mark Blackthorn.

Panic edged into my mind for the first time since I suspected my father of wishing to trade me to the Wild Hunt. It felt like a lifetime ago, and emotions had long since been numbed by my instincts of survival, to not be deterred by feelings of the heart. Hastily I dashed to his side, rolled him into his back and laid a hand on his frozen cheek, which was turning alarmingly blue. He was not breathing. I was no expert in the mortal anatomy, but blue skin and lack of breath was never a good sign.

'Mark?' I called out fearfully, feeling for his heartbeat. It was irregular, like the hoofbeats of a limping mount.

Simply by instinct, I leaned in and rested my lips over Mark's, breathing air into his lungs, tasting the blood in his mouth. After several breaths, Mark coughed and began breathing again, although staying unconscious. I carried Mark into a nearby cave in the mountains that none in the Wild Hunt knew of, where he would be sheltered from the wind and the frost. He was not very heavy, which did not surprise me, from his lingering in the shadows when the rest of the Wild Hunt crowded around the food.

I felt a twinge of sympathy for the poor starved boy, broken and scarred but still fighting, still standing stubbornly as the wind whipped him and the blizzards tried to beat him down.

Carefully I set Mark down on the sandy floor of the cave, surrounded by a swath of soft fur blankets. After making sure Mark was still breathing and gradually resuming his normal complexion, I lit a fire and boiled a chunk of ice in a bowl, cradling Mark's head on my lap as I waited for him to awaken. I had not cared for anyone since Lavinia.

A/N *GASP* Who's Lavinia?? Hope you're enjoying the story so far... I promise there will be some proper Mieran soon xx
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