Chapter Four

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When Mark woke up, Kieran was gone, and the blazing fire had been reduced by the frost into a dark pile of ashes. 'Kieran?' he called out hoarsely into the wind outside the cave, his throat dry from spending the night next to a crackling flame.

'I'm here,' said Kieran, at Mark's side at once. Mark was aware of the sharp scent of flowers coming off of Kieran's body. 'You're awake. We must ride back to the Hunt now, to Gwyn. He will wonder where we are.'

'No!' Mark said in alarm. 'Please, no. I can't go back there. I won't.'

Kieran sighed and sank down next to Mark in a graceful crouch. 'My dear Mark, I know what they have done to you. And I am so, so sorry this had to happen to you. But if we do not return, Gwyn will send out search parties. We cannot run for the rest of our lives.'

Mark raised his head. 'Our? Gwyn's not after you. You don't have to come with me.'

'I think you know, by now, that I... that I am invested in your health. Where you go, I go,' Kieran promised. 'You will not be alone when you face them.'

Mark slowly got up, wincing as the pain jolted through his body. Kieran reached out to help him get up, but Mark batted his hand away. 'Everyone who have cared for me have left me,' he rasped. 'Helping me puts a target on your back, Kieran.'

'I already have a target on my back, Mark,' Kieran chuckled. 'You would be naive to think I am unfamiliar with having to guard my back day and night. If anything, I would be the one putting a target on your back should you decide to accept my aid.'

'You don't understand,' Mark repeated brokenly, his eyes fixed dully on the ground. 'Everyone gets hurt around me. And I don't want any more suffering on my conscience. Especially not yours, Kieran. I would never forgive myself if you got hurt because of me.'

Kieran gave an uncharacteristically awkward cough and Mark realised what he had said. The boys' eyes met and whilst Mark turned away quickly, Kieran's gaze remained steady. 'You should not be afraid of emotion, Mark. The more you refuse to acknowledge it, the more it eats away at you.'

'I don't know what you're talking about.' Mark mumbled.

'Yes, I think you do,' said Kieran quietly. Mark raised his eyes again, and this time he didn't flinch away. For a brief moment, boys felt the tug of something indescribable deep inside of them, and Kieran took a step forward until their faces were inches away from each other.

The sound of Gwyn's hunting horn split the air and interrupted the moment. Kieran gave a low growl of annoyance and headed for the horses, gracefully grabbing the tack from the ground as he went past it. Mark inhaled sharply and placed a shaky hand over his racing heart, only just realising how he had forgotten to breathe as soon as those beautiful, beautiful eyes stared into his soul.

#A/N sorry this update is so short, but I'm kinda busy with coursework rn :( hope you enjoy this and don't forget to vote and comment if you did!! Xxx love you all loads and loads <3

~ The Imaginer

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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