Chapter 5

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The next mass, Ross saw Max standing in the back of the chapel, listening to the priests and priestesses as they said the mass and chants. As soon as mass was done, Ross slipped over to Max's side. The redhead didn't acknowledge him, just walking out of the chapel, as quickly as he could without looking like he was running away, though Ross thought he might be.

Max walked past the motel, over a street, and into the park, before turning to face Ross with a blank expression.

"Your religion is-" He paused, clearly struggling with his words. "Um, interesting? I, uh, haven't seen many modern religions like it." He added, sounding like the lack of them was a very good thing. "So, um, not sure what to compare it to, then."

Ross shuffled his feet. "It, um, yeah. It's something." He bit his lip, leaning in towards Max a bit, so he could whisper his next words. "When I was little, me and my cousin, Shelby, didn't really think about it, like, really think about it, until we saw the protector ourselves."

Max looked worried. "Um, when you say you saw your, uh, 'protector', you mean?"

"Someone fell asleep." Ross explained, trying to keep himself from using a voice like he was talking to a toddler. "So the protector could use them as a vessel, since they weren't there anymore. It's a great honor, but, um," he glanced around again, making sure once more that there was no one but them in the park. "I wouldn't want it to happen to me, regardless of the honor." He admitted in a whisper so quiet, that Max had to lean in close in order to hear him. "The last time the protector had a vessel, they punished those that have broken their laws. I wouldn't want to be responsible for that."

"When you say it, um, needs a vessel, like, a human vessel, what, uh," Max paused glancing around as well, face pale. "What, exactly, is your, uh, 'protector'?"

Ross blinked, puzzled. He'd never thought to ask that before. "It's, well, the protector." He explained, unsure of what else to say. "That's all. I don't think it's really anything else in particular."

Max gave him a dubious look, but shrugged, glancing around the park again, on edge. "So, uh, it doesn't have a vessel now, right? You'd know?"

Ross nodded. "The only person in town who doesn't know is the vessel themselves. They aren't allowed to know. It's their law that the vessel doesn't know. It complicates things." He explained.

Max was eyeing him, wary. "And, uh, your protector enters someone that's sleeping?"

"Yes. They can only control the body of someone who is unconscious." Ross blinked, hard, trying to clear the drowsiness from his eyes. Max gave him a concerned look. "But, um, it hasn't happened since I was seven. So, yeah." He finished dumbly.

"Okay." Max nodded, then, slowly, went to face in the direction of the motel. "I, um, I think I'm gonna go back to my motel for a bit. Just, uh, let all this kinda settle in my mind, you know?"

Ross nodded, watching as Max left the park, at a pace that fell somewhere between a walk and a run.

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