Agent 13

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Agent 13
By Quidam13
Synopsis |

"With all do respect sir,adding a new member to this team will only slow us down."

"On the contrary, if anything your team will slow her down."

She's the ghost story you tell around a campfire. The monster that hides in your closet. The nightmare that wakes you from your sleep. She's the definition of the word deadly. She never smiles, never shows any emotion other than a blank stare. Unless, she's pissed, then it shows. She doesn't trust any of the other agents, only the chief. He doesn't play nice with others. She's a solo agent, always works alone, but that's about to change. Respect her and she'll take a bullet for you. Mistreat her and she'll put a bullet in you...if you're lucky. She's Agent 13...
Review |

An agent that many thought was made up to inspire them comes to join their team. Delta 2 (the team) is hesitant to accept her,but soon learn she is the real deal. Agent 13 is smart and to the point, but isn't above using sarcasm. She can do pretty much anything and will do anything for her team's safety and to complete the mission. The only reason she joined Delta 2 was because Zero (the head of the agency) didn't want her to take things too far on her own. She has a past with who they're after. They'd do whatever it takes to kill her and those she cares about.
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