Chapter 1

809 8 3

James P.O.V

Sadly it is now the end of summer and I have to go back to hell uuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
well I guess I've got Quiditch and the mega Marauders to keep distracted from endless detentions with Minnie. I continue to think like this until I hear a horrible shout that snaps me out of my thoughts and made me jump ten feat in the air,
"James! Get down hear NOW, you have ten minutes until the train leaves!",
shit shit shiiiiit I haven't even packed why must I be so god damn lazy all the time.
"Coming mum!"
I shout as I chuck things rapidly into my overflowing trunk. Then finally I grab my puppy,paddy, and my teddy stag and werewolf stuff them in my trunk, obviously not Paddy tho, and I run at full speed down the stairs at 10:58 AM, crap I'm gonna be late, mum, dad, Al and Lil have already left. I then quickly grab the floo powder and shout,

"The Hogwarts Express!". I soon race out of the fire place, chuck my trunk at the dude who puts them away, shout bye at mum and dad and jump on the train with one minute to spare, as I am panting like a dog someone nocked me out of my daze, like literally  nocked me as in ran strait into me and nocked us both to the floor,
"Oww!" The person On top of me moaned, I looked up to see a beautiful girl with huge black eyes with silver flecks through them. I hadn't realised we had been staring at each other for about five minutes on the floor, the girl on top of me, in front of most of the student body of Hogwarts,until Fred shouted, "Get in there Jamsie!" Causing all of the people in that compartment to stare at us laughing there heads of, I just glared at them and looked back up the girl, "ummm......hate to be rude but could you get of me please?" The girls face flushed and she jumped up muttering,
"Oh huh sorry bout that, I'm always late and always tripping up," I then jumped up handed her her bag, hmm I wonder what that is on her bag...... OH MY SHIT that's a fucking dark mark!
"Do you mind if I come and sit with you?" She asked in a weird voice, turning to me allowing me to see her appearance. Her pin strait black hair with royal blue and emerald green highlights, her halo braid, her full on black make up, her face piercings, her black and silver eyes to be fair she was hot as fudge, ahh no James she is not hot she is probably a death eater.

"Umm, excuse me but you have been staring at me for two minutes and you haven't given me answer!?" She said exasperated, looking at me annoyed, "Oh right yeah, sorry follow me," I answered leading her to the Wotter compartment.

As soon as we got in all eyes were on us as we sat down, soon everyone had introduced them selves to mystery girl, as Lil finished we all looked at girl expectantly waiting for her introduction, she then noticed all the eyes on her,
"Ohh right you want to know who I am, okay so what you wanna know?"
"Your full name!"
"Your hobbies and interests?"
"Your parents?"
"And anything else you wanna throw in!"
She looked surprised,
"Wow, I never have so any questions or even someone liking me this much, okay here we go," she began taking a deep breath " Okay, my full name I am not gonna say, well not my surname, NOOOO chance o that happenin, anyway my name is Ivenia Walburga Narcissa Trixie , but I prefer Ivy Wall Cissa Trix, also Trixie is short for something that you have to find out! My age is sixteen, September first 12:00 AM so I should be a seventh year but the ministry thinks different, if the ministry comes HIDE me straight away, Kay good don't ask why!" We all exchanged glances at from Ivy, "Anywho, parents definitely not, my hobbies, stealing well pickpocketing, magic, Skateboarding and drawing a lot and pretty much the same for interests apart from I love the muggle bands like, imagine dragons, Coldplay, fall out boy, panic! At the disco and ACDC. I love death, rock music, art, death, stars, skateboards, motorbikes and did I mention death?!"
"Yes twice, well three times and also we've never seen you before and your way to hot to be a firstie, so what house yo in!?"asked a smirking Fred, Ivy took ,if as a compliment and smiled and replied,
"One: I hate to be hit on. Two: don't try to be a smart arse it didn't work! Also if you were listening you would know that I'm a sixth year and apparently setting the headmistresses hair on fire will get you expelled! Absolutely bull fucking shit if you ask me, but I can't wait to get in to Slytherin?" Albus looked like he was going to say something, but decided against it when the speaker told us we had arrived.
Ivy jumped up and ran out of the train us following closely behind. She had to get on the boats with the firsties, we all had to wait awhile for our carriage, so we watched Ivy get into the boats and start talking to a firstie. Then, Hagrid shouted, "Duck!" And Ivy's head whipped up and then stood up, only to be knocked out of the boat and into the black lake. "Come on!!!!!" She shouted as she clambered back into the boat glaring at us as we got into our carriage laughing our heads of.

We had soon arrived at the castle, and the sorting began then ended and then Ivy had to be sorted.
"We all have a very special guest with us for her last two years of Hogwarts, I hope you enjoy your time here, Ivenia! Now let's get you sorted."
"Ivenia Walburga Narcicssa Bellatrix LeStrange, eh?"the hat purred in her ear audible to the hole great hall, everyone gasped, Ivy turned red " Hmm, now let me see, you'd be a terrible Hufflepuff, not smart enough for Ravenclaw, very brave but your ambition is stronger, be, SLYTHERIN!!" Ivy's smile returned and she ran at full force towards the Slytherin table only to, trip over feet and go tumbling towards the ground, she then got up and a Ravenclaw girl screamed " YOU'VE GOT A DARK MARK'!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ivy just rolled her eyes looked at her and said," Well done Sherlock!!! Also I've got a pet snake!" And sat next to Scorpius, yes he and Rosie are finally going out, " A pet snake!!!" Screamed Minnie, "uuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes I have got a pet snake called!" And with that she sat down and began talking with Scorp and Al. She then took her pretty face up, well down, to the dungeons to sleep, while I sat staring at were she was sitting.

I hope you all enjoyed that? The pick is Ivy but with less piercings, love uuuu ! Hope u enjoyed!
Foxy, xx💩🌚😜

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