Chapter four

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James, Fred, Roxy and Ivy all made their way down to the great hall when Ivy was knocked down by someone hugging her. When she had lifted her self of the floor she saw the little boy from the night before.
"Hey kiddo!!" Ivy said with as much enthusiasm as she could as she had just woken up.
"Thank you for saving me from those things yesterday!!! Thanks for the bar of chocolate as well, were on earth did you find it??" The little boy blabbed as they got up and walked to the Gryffindor table.
"Well mate, I got it from Freddie on the train, that's Fred there," Ivy told him pointing at Fred, who waved at the boy.
"What's your name kiddo??" Ivy asked as they sat down (James then kiddo then Ivy and Fred and Roxy in front of them) "My name is Leo George Greyback, my mum is dead, I'm living in an orphanage. I really miss mum, I still remember her, she was friends-no she adored, the Weasley twins. That's why my middle name is George." Ivy pulled in the little boy and hugged him, making the tears in his eyes disappear. "I know how you feel Leo," Ivy said softly, still hugging him. "If you don't mind me asking, do you have any siblings??" Roxy asked from over the table while picking four pieces of toast of the platter, and then sticking all four of them in her mouth.
"It's fine I don't mind, I have three sisters and one brother, that's one of my sisters there," Leo pointed to a tall red-headed girl that had buck teeth and freckles covering her face. "She's called Abigail, but she prefers Abby, then that's another of my sisters," now pointing to a tiny carrot haired girl that had a book in her lap covering her face, but she noticed them and moved the book to wave at them. "She's called Ronny, nothing more nothing less. Then finally there's the last of my sisters, my twin." As if on queue a little girl identical to Leo (but wearing Hufflepuff robes) came bouncing up to them.
"Hey Lee you wanna explore the library or the forest today??"
"Library!!!!!! Defiantly!!!" Leo said a bit to quickly
"So who are you?" James asked, while moving to sit next to Ivy so the twins could talk to each other.
"Thank you for asking, my name is Livera, I prefer Liv, Indie Lottie Flo Greyback, my mum loved, let's say unusual names, that's why. I'm Leo's twin and have one other brother, along with two sisters, who are you guys?" Liv asked while pouring herself some orange juice.
"James Sirius Potter, Sixteen, Gryffindor, great to meet you,"
"Frederick Lee Weasley, Sixteen, another Gryffindor, good to meet ya,"
"Roxanne Alicia Weasley, Sixteen, yet again another Gryffindor, hi,"
"Ivenia Narcissa LeStrange, Sixteen, new house I'm a Slytherin, just tellin' ya but you look like carbon copies of each other,"
"Hello, I'm called Iyla Angelina Wood, Sixteen, I'm a Ravenclaw, hello, I'm good friends with your sister by the way!!"
A dreamy voice spoke behind Fred, making him scream and jump.
"You should stop doing that Iy, please!!" Fred panted as he caught his breath, the nickname making Iyla's cheeks tint pink.
"Look Lee, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaasee come in the forest!!!! Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaasee!!!" Liv begged her brother, but Leo remained stern and shook his head, making his ginger hair shake from side to side on his head.
"Leo, if all of us come," Ivy gestured to her James, Roxy, Fred and Iyla  "Into the forest with you will you then come in??"
"Well me and Freddie wanted to just have some us-two Time??? Is that okay??" Iyla asked before Leo could say anything.
"And for some ridiculous reason I was made prefect, so I have to do some shi-" by Ivy's questioning glare Roxy changed her vocabulary to child proof. "Some stupid job for Minnie. So I sadly can not join you on you're adventure!!" Roxy exclaimed, annoyed and disappointed tones in her voice.
"Well it's just me and you with Liv and Leo then, Love!" James said 'accidentally' loudly putting his arm round Ivy, making her face turn bright red. Their three best friends raised their eyebrows  at the pair in front of them. But they weren't the only people staring at them the people most noticeable was her cousin and second cousin; Scorpius and Sammy Malfoy, who were (Along with Albus and Rose) laughing hysterically at Ivy's bright red face, while taking pictures of the whole thing, and obviously Ivy's brother, Wes, raising his brows at Ivy and looking like a mass murderer when looking at James.
"Me and Liv are getting our bags! See you in the entrance hall!!" Leo called over his shoulder as he ran of upstairs with Liv.
"Well Miss LeStrange, we best go get our bags as well," James said in a ridiculously posh voice, offering his hand to Ivy. Taking his hand Ivy got up. And about halfway down the hall she realised something. The James Potter was holding her hand, out of all the girls he could call love or hold hands with it was her. Ivy LeStrange, the daughter of a mass murderer and her mother killed his god grandfather(and like a billion other people too). So Ivy ignored jealous stares (not forgetting the death stares) and just walked along the hall her slim bony hand intertwined with James' giant warm hand. They both collected their bags and set of to the entrance hall.
"Hello!!! Why are you holding hands??" The twins chimed at the same time as they approached.
Ivy was about to reply when a voice interrupted her.
"Well it's just because-" and then someone else interrupted him!
"Well Mister Greyback, they certainly shouldn't be doing that!" A stern voice sneered behind them. As they turned around they saw the pink toad from the other day. And a fake giggle followed a spell that blasted them both apart(James stumbled but Ivy being so small and thin flew then fell against a wall).
"How dare you!!! You little bi-" James started but he got 'silencioed' and the toad turned on her heel and marched away; Filch following like a desperate ugly, filthy puppy-or hag, take your pick.
Ivy swished her wand and James could talk again, but had no swears in his vocabulary.
"Well I think the adventure awaits!!! How about first one to the forest gets to pick were we all go?!?"
They all nodded eagerly.
"Okay, three, two, one, GO!!!" Ivy shouted and they all ran straight for the forest, unaware of who was in there, and watching them.
Liv had somehow come in first place, so she decided they would look for hags. So they then set of and looked everywhere a hag but found one nowhere. Instead they ran into some thing Much MUCH worse...............

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