Chapter three

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Ivy was shook awake by a worried looking Fred. Ivy was confused, but when she looked around at her pillow she saw blood marks. She looked up at Fred and just hugged him. They sat hugging for a while, until Ivy said, "What happened?? Also what are we doing today??" Fred pulled away "I dunno what happened Ive, and the Slytherin Quiditch try-outs are today. Soooooo, if your trying out we'll come and watch." Fred said yawning and stretching over his sleeping bag, "hell yeah am I trying out!!!"Ivy shouted, thus causing two pillows to be chucked at her head as she ran to get changed. When they were dressed and had somehow got Roxy and James up-without being murdered. They walked down to breakfast; Ivy flying along talking to Ollie, who had joined them, Roxy and James falling asleep mid sentence and then Fred trying to impress Iyla, whom had joined them shortly after Ollie did. It was when they entered the hall they wanted to leave straight was........Jessica Simons......siting at the Gryffindor table........... SMOOCHING LOUIS WEASLEY!!!!!!! This caused his girlfriend, now presumed ex, to run over pull them apart slap Louis across the face and punch Jessica in the face. She got cheers as she stormed out and as soon as she was out the hall they started to kiss again. They watched disgusted until Ivy spoke up "you guys wanna sit at the Slytherin table today??" It was more a plea than a question. And they were all relieved to see every one had nodded.

"Come on Ivy eat something!!" Ollie pushed as Ivy was flipping on her broomstick "oh hell no!!!! I'm staying like this, so after practise-when lunch is, I can just walk in and eat everything!" Ollie looked defeated but his look turned annoyed when James said 'she has got a fair point!' With a mouth full of food. They were talking and eating happily until an announcement told them that try-outs were starting. Ivy jumped up grabbed her broom and ran outside, the others not to far behind.

"A shit! I promised Abby-I mean Abigail that I would study with her! Bye guys!" Ollie ran of with a chorus of byes following him. Once they were at the pitch Ivy saw her competition; Penelope Parkinson, who was staring at Iyla like she was a piece of meat, Rupert Crabbe, Geoffrey Goyle, Tom Way, Archie Finch-Fletchey, Scorpius Malfoy, Sammy Malfoy and Pyper and Theo Flint. They said goodbye and walked to the stands, while Ivy nervously joined the group of people crowded round Pixie Wood, the captain. "Okay, so seekers line up, chasers, beaters and substitute keepers. Okay, in the groups, good. I will release the Quaffle and the Bludgers. Both the chasers and beaters will be up there. Then after I'll release the snitch and the seekers will take turns to see who can catch it fastest. Begin!!!" Pixie shouted chucking the Quaffle into the air and released the Bludgers. Ivy rose into the air and caught the Quaffle, not wasting time and bolting for the posts and getting it in first try. Then narrowly missing a Bludger. She, Sammy and Pyper all raced up and down the pitch scoring goals and passing the Quaffle from a distance. When the whistle blew they zoomed back to the ground and hovered above the ground, pixie said something about all of them being brilliant. But she gave Ivy, Sammy, Pyper and Tom and Theo; the boys trying out for beaters a quick wink and a smile. Pixie released the snitch and Scorpius and Penelope rose from the ground. Scorpius almost immediately spotted the snitch and zoomed towards it. He caught it and flipped over the front of his broom as he landed. Pixie blew the whistle.
"Now I'm gonna get you to play a mini match, okay Ivy, Sammy, Tom, Penelope and Archie, you're on a team. Which means Theo, Pyper, Scorpius, Rupert and Geoffrey are all on a team I'm spectating. Also two chasers, one beater and other than that normal mini game!!" Both teams ended up tying as they both had the same amount of points. Pixie blew the whistle, so they all flew back down.
"Kay guys, you've al done well but our new team is........Scorpius Malfoy, as seeker, Tom Way and Theo Flint, as our beaters, Ivy LeStrange, Sammy Malfoy and Pyper Flint, as our chasers, I am staying keeper but substitute is Archie.......I can't be bothered to say your name..... So yes thank you all for trying out, bye guys!!!" Pixie exclaimed in her rough Scottish accent, as she battled the bludgers back into the box.

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