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Chara clutched a soul in her hand, a strange echoing noise ringing in her ears. She stared at it intensely not looking away. She was proud of the human but she also felt numb. She had always watched the human from afar. Though she was unable to speak to him manually she could still get inside their head. Telling them things and secrets and commands. She always seemed to enjoy watching the human fall over and over and over again. But as of recent she got less excited when she would watch the small human slash the head off a narcissistic skeleton or listen to the threatening words of the lazy shorter skeleton. It would always invigorate Chara and would get her so pumped. The burning passion for killing and committing murders shook aggressively in her soul. Her knife stuck to her hand like glue and slashed whenever it felt like it. It was like the knife had a mind of its own. It was like another part of her. It was always close by and anxiety and paranoia struck when it was too far away.

Chara looked at The Barrier with grief. She almost didn't want to go through. Then a reset would happen and all this wouldn't matter. It would be just another wiped memory. She felt her smile drop into a blank face. She sighed and walked through The Barrier.

She reached the outside and continued walking. After walking for a while the world faded to black then white and all logic faded. Sloshes and squishing noises sounded from behind Chara. She threw her head towards the noise. A much taller figure stood in front of her. Even though it looked terrifying she didn't flinch or twitch. Chara's faces stayed relaxed and numb.
    "we're you attempting to scare me? If you were your actions failed miserably." Chara said in a quite relaxed tone.
    "Oh, I know nothing could scare you. I was simply saying hello." The figure laughed. Although it tried to sound jolly it came out horrifying in a way. Chara was still not phased by it. Its body shrunk followed by more squishy sounds. It had to shrink down fairly small to reach Chara's height. Its face looked distorted and the "body" looked like it was molded out of black play-doh and glitter glue they both had the same properties too. Being able to mold into any size or shape and generally looking shiny. Its hands resembled clocks even though the hands on the clock never moved. It always said 8:00 am on the left and 7:15 pm on the right and never changed.
    "You look odd today. You look different. Ah yes! Where is that Cute Chara Smile?" It said with concern in its voice.
    "It doesn't matter now! Where is Frisk!" Chara complained.
    "In your hand." Gaster pointed to Chara's hand. She jumped and bit. Chara had almost forgotten that she had Frisk's soul with her.
"Once it happens you won't be holding that soul anymore." Gaster quietly spoke slithering past her.
"I don't even want it..." Chara muttered. Gaster stopped and turned towards her. He looked quite concerned.
"Don't want it? What do you mean? Chara are you sure you're feeling alright. You would always seem so proud when you would come home with the human soul in your hand!"
"I told you it wasn't important how I felt! You should just worry about yourself! It doesn't matter what I think or I feel!" Chara's voice sounded offended. Not wanting to upset her he just nodded and began slithering away again. She watched him slid across the non existent floor. After he was far away enough she looked back at the human soul. She stuffed it in her pant pocket and began to walk in a random direction.

Chara often had nothing to do while she was waiting here in this void but lately Gaster has been bothering her and talking to her. While Chara didn't particularly dislike this but, she didn't like the gushy fluffy feelings he would show towards her. She often found it disturbing and weird when people cared about her. Chara stopped in her tracks and noticed a hole in the floor. She stepped close enough to see what's inside and far away enough to not drop in. Of course it was a hole to a different universe. Chara moved around the hole to peek inside. She soon saw a nerdy looking Sans running around. The papers that he held to his chest dropped onto the floor as he ran back and forth. He kept almost tripping over his own feet and sometimes dropping all the papers onto the floor at once. A loud yell was heard every time he would do so but he always quickly picked the papers back out and continue to run. It was amusing to watch. Soon the hole got smaller and smaller and eventually shutting completely.

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