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Gaster trudged along Chara following close behind. She lifted her head and her eyes widened. A small hole swirled above her growing bigger and bigger.
"Gaster? What is that?" She pointed up at the hole.
"It's another universe!" Gaster yelled with fear. He grabbed Chara out of reflex to try and protect her.
          "It keeps getting bigger...this isn't good.." Gaster muttered to himself but Chara could still hear it.
          "What's wrong? What happens if it gets big?" Chara asked. Worry shaking in her voice.
"Probably nothing but...it also might mean someone is constantly resetting in that universe....and that's puts stress on that universe the time may shatter and twist!" Gaster explained. Chara just had a dumbfounded face.
"It means the universe will corrupt." He said with with annoyance. Chara put both her thumbs up meaning she understood.
"We should be prepared to see some alternate versions of other monsters and or humans." Gaster started to get overzealous and lost in thought.
"Can we go into it?" Gaster snapped out of it and looked shocked.
"Are you joking?! We would be turned into dust once we passed through! Theirs no way we could make it through a universe that big!" Gaster shouted sounding meaner than he intended. Chara put on a guilty face. Gaster suddenly felt bad for raising his voice.
"S-sorry...let's keep going. I'm sure there's a safer universe to enter..." Gaster held Chara's hand and started walking forward staying close by her side. Chara looked around for anymore holes she couldn't find anything. This was starting to become tedious. She came to halt and stared at the floor.
         "Gaster? Am I....guilt tripping you? Or do you actually care about me. Do you actually want to help me. It's fine if you don't. I just want to know honestly." She said quietly her voice getting louder and stronger as you talked more. She lifted her head up. Staring Gaster straight in the eyes.
         "If you still see me as a Dreemur princess and that's why you do what I say and that's the only reason you still respects me, then you need tell me right now. Because! Because I..." Her voice was strong and suddenly went back to small and weak. Gaster was surprised by this sudden behavior and burst of anger.
         "Wh-where is this all coming from? I respect you because you I care about you! I know you're a princess but-but you're still a child! I just want you to be happy Chara," he said honestly with the kindest voice he could manage. "if you're happy I'm happy. Now let's find go find a universe that you like." Gaster held out one of his hands and slugged closer. He smiled kindly and looked at her. Chara had never had someone be so nice to her on purpose. It was only because she was important. But, she had found someone is honestly wanted to help and care about her. Not just because someone told them to do it. Chara got this weird feeling in her stomach. She knew she might never ever find someone like Gaster ever again. She had to have him for herself before he was taken away.
        "I think I...I think I love...you? Do you love me? You should love me." Chara said with the most blunt voice. Gaster stares in shock as his eyes widened. This was so sudden. He did love her but it was more of a platonic love.
        "Um! Uh, yes! But I-" Gaster was cut off before he could say any more.
        "I knew it! I love ya! Your acts of kindness and kind words were to obvious not to notice." Chara boasted. She pivoted away from him and then looked back.
"Well this just makes this whole situation more interesting!" She said proudly.
"What do you mean by that?!" Gaster asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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