Yeah Boy and Doll Face

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I hid my smirk behind my coffee cup as Vic and Michelle rushed out of the room. "Haven’t had sex my ass…" I mumbled. Sarah laughed.

"Actually," she quipped, "I don’t think they have yet. I always know when she gets laid by her mood, and she’s been kind of bitchy lately….." She blew her bangs out of her face before she began fiddling with her earrings. The tiny golden orbs hanging from her ear lobes caught my attention.

"Woah, do you have snitch earrings!?" I asked excitedly. Michelle had mentioned she was a Harry Potter fan, but I had planned to find that out for myself, and here was my chance handed to me on a silver platter.

She shook her head sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "Nah, they’re footballs…."

"Where did you get them?" I ignored her satirical remark.

"Made ‘em. You’re actually the first person that’s noticed what they are. Most people just say they’re pretty and leave it at that." She smiled, her snake bites winking slightly in the light. She had a gorgeous smile.

"Well, unlike most people, I know everything there is to know about the Harry Potter series." I smirked at her, physically asking her to challenge my extensive knowledge. She took the bait immediately.

"Is that a challenge sir?" Her hazel eyes flashed excitedly. "I bet you don’t even know what Pottermore is." she replied.

"Actually, I’ve had an account since it opened to betas. I’m a Slytherin. And if what your sister said is correct, you’re a Hufflepuff. Though, you don’t seem like you belong there to me."

Sarah tossed her head back and laughed heartily. After she caught her breath, she inquired, "Oh really, and what house do I seem to fit into in your opinion?"

I thought for a moment, and realized that I knew too little about her to make a proper decision. "Well," I started slowly, "I guess I don’t know you well enough to know for sure. From what I can see, however, you’re definitely not a Hufflepuff." She laughed again. I smiled, enjoying the sound. "Perhaps I’ll be able to answer that question before I leave though."

"Alright. That still leaves your challenge to see who knows more about the series though. I say we make a game out of it: we’ll ask each other questions back and forth and whoever gets the most answers right wins."

It was my turn to chuckle at her. "I’m down with that. In fact, I’ll start. What is Professor Dumbledore’s full name?"

"Too easy." she giggled, "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Which of the Weasley twins dies at the end of the last book?"

We chatted excitedly and fought half-heartedly about the Harry Potter series until Vic and Michelle returned, neither of us keeping track of the score.

I jumped as I heard Vic clear his throat from the doorway. "Jesus Vic!!! You scared me half to death!!!""

He merely smirked knowingly at Michelle.

"Comfy you two?" Michelle snickered.

I started at her, confused, before I remembered that I had moved to sit next to Sarah during our conversation. My arm was around her slender shoulders and she had laid her head gently on my chest. I blushed fiercely and scooted away, much to the smaller girl’s disdain.

"We were just talking…." I pouted defensively.

Vic and Michelle both laughed and sat together on the love seat adjacent to the couch Sarah and I were on.

I silently berated myself for my embarrassment at being caught so close to her. I had never acted like this before! In fact, usually my main focus upon meeting an attractive girl was to get into her pants as quickly as possible. So why was she different?

"EARTH TO MIKE!!!!!" Vic shouted. I blinked in surprise and shook the confusing thoughts from my head.


My older brother laughed again. "I’ve been calling your name for almost a whole minute now! What’s up with you today bro???"

I evaded his question by asking one of my own. "What were you trying to get my attention for?"

Michelle answered for him. "We were trying to ask if you mind me and Sarah tagging along to your video shoot. Vic mentioned that you could use some extras to do things in the background, and we would love to help out."

I brightened at the idea of spending more time with Sarah. Then I shook my head again. I was horrified to realize that I was the one acting like a Hufflepuff now. "Fine with me." I said, trying to sound only slightly interested.

"Seriously Mike, what’s wrong? I haven’t seen you act like this since….Oh…" Vic trailed off. Realization spread across his features and he smiled devilishly.

"Since when?" Sarah questioned. She seemed intrigued by Vic’s mental ‘light bulb’ moment.

My eyes widened and I shook my head ferociously at my older brother, willing him not to finish his sentence in front of the girls.

"Since he was smitten with a girl in high school."

Damn bastard, I thought to myself while glaring daggers at Vic.

Sarah turned to look at me. "Oh really now? Smitten you say… if I did this-" she slid forward and pressed her soft pink lips to mine roughly for a moment before continuing her sentence. "-he would blush, right?" She laughed loudly as my cheeks turned a fierce shade of red. "Thought so." She smirked evilly. "Who’s the Hufflepuff now Mikey?"

"Shut up…" I muttered.

"Awwww…" Michelle crooned. "Mikey’s in love!"

"Am not!" I retorted, my face still red.

They all just laughed in response.

I was still extremely embarrassed, even more so since Sarah had kissed me. I touched my lips unconsciously. They tingled still, as if a burst of electricity had passed through them. I realized what I was doing and cleared my throat. "Well, we better get going soon before Jaime and Tony send out a search party."

Vic agreed with a nod of his head. He was biting his lip and his cheeks were twitching. Bloody idiot’s probably laughing at me… I thought to myself. I need to remember to kick his ass later.

We all stood and started toward the front door. Sarah grabbed my hand and giggled up at me. God, she was so gorgeous when she smiled like that.

"You never told me what house you think I should be in Mike." she reminded me.

I thought for a moment more before making up my mind. "Slytherin for sure. You’re too wicked to be in any other."

She grinned demonically. "You don’t know the half of it love."

I Drank The Poison and I Passed The Fuck Out.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora