It's Hard

361 17 9

P.O.V Alfred

It's hard, even for a hitman. And all those times you'd wished, you held those hearts in your hands from all the people you'd killed. Aha but,I slit throats anyway.

You know what's interesting? When you stab someone in the heart, they don't die until after one minute. You'd think; why would someone wait one minute to die? When your stabbed straight into your life source.

Hmmm....I wonder if I kill someone strong and powerful would they die quickly? but who's that strong? "Ahaha!" As I laughed, throwing my bottle of beer across the room. "There has to be someone!" I yelled through the small room. I got up standing in the middle of my hotel room.( A hitman can NEVER have permanent home, its too risky.)

As I search around my room, I came across my empty alcohol collection. When I notice the full bottle of vodka..... I really hated vodka. It's not because it's too strong, it's because, to me, it tastes like liquid tear gas. I've gotten that shit thrown in face many times... Damn police...

"Oh Crap I got it!" "Ivan Brainsky!" That's who. " Well thank you vodka." I say smiling downward. "Well, first I should check on this guy" As I walk over to my desk, and open up my laptop. "Lalalala" I sing to my self. As I searched up, his profile. "Well Damn." I whisper in astonishment. "He's has more charges, and arrests than there's are states in U.S.A"

*Computer screen*

Name: Ivan Brainsky.
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Birth Country: Russia
Charges: 45
Arrests: 10
Jail Time Charged: Life
Reward: $100,000
Last Spotted: New York, city unknown

( If any intelligence of his whereabouts please call 7-949-483-7838 Thank You.)

The last three parts; caught my interest. One, I would love to have ; $100,000 in my bank account. Second, I'm in New York right now. So that would be very useful. And Third, that number seems oddly familiar somehow.

I was supposed to visit my friend, Kiku Honda in Tokyo, Japan next week on Friday, but he can wait. He knows about my life, he'll understand. *Thinking* as I close my laptop. I got up, and went over to my bathroom. And took a nice, peaceful, relaxing piss. I went to the sink to wash my hands, then as I stare in the mirror; I see there's a bit of blood on my cheek from my last job...... I wiped it off, wondering if someone noticed it. "I sure hope not." I say as I Leave the bathroom.

I went into my bedroom, for a change of clothes ; ' A white T-shirt, a brown, leather bomber jacket, a pair of black jeans, and a pair of black, sleek, formal Cher Dair, Calvin Klein's. I leave my bedroom but, not before I glaze out my window. To see beautiful scenery of; cars, people, and lights.  Somehow it seems very peaceful.

As I walk out, into the living room, I grab my phone, wallet, keys, and my truste gun. As I'm on my way out the door..... My DAMN PHONE STARTS RINGING! "FUCKKKKK!!" I whine, and pick up the phone.

"HELLO...." I say, trying trying to keep a calm tone

"Konichiwa Alfred, how are you?" *Thick Japanese accent*

<Oh it's just Kiku>. I think in relief. "Oh sorry, good what about you"? I say, with  a smile on my face.

"Great, thank for asking. The Cherry Blossoms just bloomed yesterday!"

"Oh dude that's awesome!"

" Yes, I can't wait for you to come see them!"

"Shit!" I try to, whisper to myself.

" Ummm... about that, I can't make next week. I got a new job, and they want me to get to work, immediately." I say with deep Guilt.

"........Oh ok then." His voice lowers, and weakens.

" Hey, can you do my favor PLEASE!"

" What is its Alfred!" He voice now pissed off, and more annoyed.

"Can you take a lot of picture of the trees for me? I really want to see  them, and I know how much you love to take pictures!" I asked. hopefully he agrees or replies.

"OF COURSE I'LL TAKE PHOTOS FOR YOU!" He Screamed over the phone bringing great pain to my ears.

It was the first time I heard him scream like that, in a long time.... It hurt, Mentally and Physically..

"You will do great! Than.. I mean arigato..!" Trying to honor him. And failing at word.

"Your welcome, and thanks for trying to use Japanese." He said cheerfully.

<Yep, he just called my ass out thank you Kiku.> I think to myself.

"Ok bye Kiku, talk to you later." Not bothering to try Japanese again. Already knowing, it's going sound like someone pulled Francis's hair.

"Ok sayonara" He said happily

I put my phone back into my pocket. And walk over to the elevator. And waited for the doors to open. I Walked in and pressed the button to the lobby.


Hello human what's up in the sky? If you have any comments or suggestions comment here on my page. ( Thank you for reading)>.<

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