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This time Agent Clint Barton aka Hawkeye came picked us up. For the last two days my bite wound has been bugging me. Today was the worst so far.

± 18 hours latter

“Uhm, what is that bandage for?”

“A dog bite me two days ago.”

“What did you do?”

“I was killing it with my sword it attacked some jogger.”

“I’m suppose to say you’re too young to kill, but i would be going against was i did your age.”


“How old are you?”

“Seventeen and I have a whole arsenal of weapons.”

“I think you and I will be great friends.”


“Sit here the rest will be here in a few.”

** ** **

“Hi, I’m Tony Stark, but knew that already.”




“Dr. Banner.”

"I'm Thor."

“Steve Rogers, thank you for saving me from that monster dog. How is the bite?”

“Sore, but that’s expected.”

“Please let Dr. Banner have a look.”

I just nodded my head as he took off my bandage SHE walked in and gasped at the site.

“J, why is it red?”

“Let’s just say it was one of Nico’s dad’s dogs.”

“Huh?” came seven replies.

“Young lady did you get it checked out.”

“No and you’re not my mom. I want to know why did you give me up.”

“I didn’t.”

“If you didn’t the how in the world did I land in the system?”

“My parents gave you up.”

“Uhg, I need to shoot something!”


“She has a sword.”

“And a knife.”

“And a bow with unlimited arrows.”

“Don’t forget the weapons vault.”

“What type of person raised you?”

“The FAMILY with a little ninja as a granny, a Navy SEAL as an uncle, a NCIS agent/marine as an aunt, IT techs as uncle and aunt and a Spy for a dad as well as a crazy detective/lawyer as a uncle.”

“So, a family in the law sector family?”

“Pretty much.”

“Your cousins are coming. I don’t care if you hate me, but give them a change.”

“Sure. Can we go sleep?”

“Yes, JARVIS will show you where you sleep.”

** ** **

The next morning

We all ate launch and headed to the roof. JARVIS said he will send my Cousins up.
Around twelve I heard the came up.

“Talia, Jason. What are you doing here?”

“We came to meet my cousin.”

“That would be me. How long are you staying?”

“The whole weekend.”

We looked at each other and yelled “PRANK WAR.”

“Dibs on Tony.”-Talia

“Dibs on Thor.”-Jason

“Dibs on Natasha.”-Nico

“Dibs on Hawkeye.”-Percy

“Dibs on Pepper. The rest is fair game, but leave Dr. Banner out of the war until he strikes.”- J

“Tony’s prank is first. We spray all his suit pink and purple AND replace all AC/DC music with One direction.”

“One problem, his in his lab.”

“Ghost, will shadow spray. Shadow and Thunder (Jason) distract all the Avengers. Tide and I (huntress) will hack JARVIS.”

“I love the plan Huntress.”

Peppers’ POV

“Miss Potts, Your daughter is about to through your nephew off the roof and I can’t get the suit to deploy.”

All of us run to the roof just in time to see her push him off.


“Still falling.”

“Going to be street pancake.”

“AND HE REMEMBERS HE CAN FLY. Took you too long Jace.”

“Like your any better.”

“Want to test that?”

“YES.” He yelled pushing her off the roof.

“Poof, she is gone.”


“Hey, Jason, remind me never to go to Mexico again. Bullets hurt.”

“You will heal sis.”



“Don’t call me that you know I hate it.”

“I do know that.”

We walked away to meet up with the rest and do prank two. Natasha.

“Nico, what is your plan?”

“Give Natasha a real spider suit and hides how it really looks with the mist and make her hair black.”

“Cool, divide the work,”

“Huntress you in charge of the mist. Tide and Thunder detraction. Shadow the costume and I will ‘dye’ her hair.”

“Oooh, we have to find the Hawks nest. Then we put itching powder in there and make him look like a fool too tomorrow.”

“We can also make a costume for Cap in blue and white. The mist comes in to play too.”

“Thor will be hard.”

“Jason, Can fight him and hopefully beat him?”

“Neah. ‘Dye’ his hair and costume as well.”

“And Pepper?”


“Calm down you will think off it. Now let’s go do this.”

** ** **

“Huntress comes help me please.”


“The Widow’s costume needs the mist touch as well as Caps. Now it is just his shield and the Hawks nest. I’m up with the snooping and Huntress keep an eye on the boys.”

“I’ll do that. Happy Hawk nest hunting.”

Guardians for the shadows(#watty award 2016)Where stories live. Discover now