Expensive Makeup Tutorials

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So hey guys,

Firstly this chapter isn't aimed at any youtuber

So, one day your mum burst in and screams that there is wedding soon and you just have to attend. You mum then runs out leaving you with no choice.

You start thinking well I'm not wearing a hideous lacy, pink frock from grandma so maybe I should try harder on my face instead to please everyone.

So you bring out good ol' youtube and start scrolling through until you find one that looks good. The look suits you and the girl doesn't look psyche.

So you watch it and it looks amazing and you start to think actually I can do this.

Until the end.

When she says,

This look only cost £124 pounds

Like honey no.

I could buy two marshmallow guns to shoot you with for that price.

From your dearest,

Liv x

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