La Liita Grove

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La Liita Grove, I know it's a weird name for a daytime cafe but I guess I can't change it...

Monday Mornings.... kill me!! I hate working in a cafe where I mean nothing and everyone can just boss me around and say what ever they want. Still that's kind of what it's been like my whole life really even when I was little...

I rolled out of my bed and into the shower. My arms and legs began to sting when the hot water flooded over my new scars. They where all ready beginning to faid which scared me. It always has but I'm not so sure why... 

Once I had gotten changed I looked at my clock, 8:30am... Half an hour to walk to the shop and get into my work clothes... asdfghjkl

Seeing as I had no interest in eating whatsoever I opened my laptop and checked YouTube. ooh ::Danisnotonfire uploaded "The Joy Of Illness" 18 hrs ago:: how had I missed that last night?? Seeing as the video only lasted about 5 minutes or so i decided to watch it smiling at how cute he is when he's on a rant.

I wish I was friends with him... but come on Olli that would neveerrr evverrr happen... *sigh* 

I pulled my sleeves down my arms and hooked my thumb through the wholes that I had put there so that there where no awkward moments with coleagues or worse... customers... I dont doubt the fact that if they knew the staff at the local cafe self harmed, it would be a happy place to work.... ahem.

I slipped on some grey plimpsels, grabbed my phone, bag, keys and slammed my flat door shut behind me. I continued to walk down the concrete grey steps of the building, one thing I hated about living on the top floor of a 5 storied building...

Even though it was just about September it was freezing today. I walked down the street with my bag over my shoulder, my arm around my waist and my other at my face. I realised that i always walk like this... weird. 

I walked into the cafe and behind the counter, Tom - a guy I work with who's kind of cute and apperently likes me but I would never... you know - was already in when I shuffled down the steps that leaded to the basement of the shop. I hung up my bag and took of my hoodie. "Hey," He smiled nooding and me...

"Alright?" I replied before he noticed my arms... I'd forgotten that I left the sleeves of my top rolled up underneath my hoodie... well shit

"Tough times?" he asked grabbing his apron work thingy of his pegg.

"Yeah... tough week," I silently pulled my sleeves down before doing the same as him and putting my apron on.

"I know how you feel sometimes," He smiled before turning and going back upstairs to the open cafe. Sighing, I dropped my phone into my pocket and followed his footsteps to the main shop. 

After about an hour of work I was starving but knew I didn't need any extra weight on me so I just kept working for extra wages I was taking some ones order when I looked up at the door and almost screamed.

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